Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) 5.1 SP1 RP2 P2 HF5 (Solaris) has improved vxdg import messaging to assist with troubleshooting diskgroup import issues

Article: 100007669
Last Published: 2014-01-02
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) 5.1 SP1 RP2 P2 HF5 (Solaris) has improved vxdg import messaging to assist with troubleshooting diskgroup import issues

The enhanced vxdg import messaging will enable the user to troubleshoot issues easier in regards to failed diskgroup import attempts, and provide enhanced root cause analysis evidence for Veritas support and other vendors.

The user can also track when the diskgroup was last imported.



- When importing a standard (non-clone) VxVM diskgroup, the user will see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

Dec 17 10:10:16 dopey vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-0 Selecting configuration database copy from emc0_0280 from disks: emc0_0280 emc0_0279
Dec 17 10:10:16 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Trying to import the disk group using configuration database copy from emc0_0280


# vxdisk -eo alldgs list emc0_0280 emc0_0279
DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
emc0_0280    auto:cdsdisk   emc0_0280    50mp3dg     online               c1t5006048C5368E580d333s2 std  <<<< configuration copy selected to import diskgroup with.

DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
emc0_0279    auto:cdsdisk   emc0_0279    50mp3dg     online               c1t5006048C5368E5A0d317s2 std


- When importing a clone VxVM diskgroup, the user will see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

Dec 17 10:10:12 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Disk Group only has cloned disks or useclonedev=on option is specified: Trying to import the disk group from the cloned disks
Dec 17 10:10:12 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Selecting configuration database copy from emc0_00eb from disks: emc0_00eb 
Dec 17 10:41:53 dopey vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-0 Trying to import the disk group using configuration database copy from emc0_00eb

# vxdisk -eo alldgs list emc0_00eb
DEVICE       TYPE           DISK        GROUP        STATUS               OS_NATIVE_NAME   ATTR
emc0_00eb    auto:cdsdisk   emc0_00ea    bcv_prodg   online clone_disk    c1t5006048C5368E5A0d199s2 bcv   <<<< extended device attributes exposed when using DMP



- When attempting to import a VxVM diskgroup which has multiple deported images (clones), the user may see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

# vxdisk -eo alldgs list | egrep '(emc0_027b|emc0_027a)'
emc0_027a    auto:cdsdisk   -            -           online udid_mismatch c1t5006048C5368E5A0d318s2 std
emc0_027b    auto:cdsdisk   -            (testdg)    online udid_mismatch c1t5006048C5368E5A0d319s2 std


Dec 17 10:10:21 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Disk Group import failed: Duplicate clone disks are detected, please follow the vxdg (1M) man page to import disk group with duplicate clone disks. Duplicate clone disks are: emc0_027b : emc0_027a
Dec 17 10:10:21 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-569 Disk group testdg, Disk emc0_027b: Cannot auto-import group:

# vxdisk -v list emc0_027b emc0_027a | egrep 'Device|udid'
Device:    emc0_027b
flags:     online ready private autoconfig udid_mismatch autoimport
udid:      EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000290300822%5F60060480000290300822533030323742   <<<<< Kernel UDID (this is the actuall UDID of the dmpnode)
 tag      udid_asl=EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000290300822%5F220027A000  <<<<< on-disk UDID is the same for both disks
Device:    emc0_027a
flags:     online ready private autoconfig udid_mismatch
udid:      EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000290300822%5F60060480000290300822533030323741   <<<<< Kernel UDID (this is the actuall UDID of the dmpnode)
 tag      udid_asl=EMC%5FSYMMETRIX%5F000290300822%5F220027A000  <<<<< on-disk UDID is the same for both disks

The duplicated on-disk UDID content could be related to a previous cloning operation.



The above messages clearly state which configuration database copy has been selected during the import process. The diskgroup name is not recorded at this time, however, will be enhanced in the next available patch release.

Veritas also plan to add the enhanced vxdg import messages to the command line where the "vxdg import" command is performed. This will save the user referencing the /var/adm/messages files. This will also be addressed in a future release.


The reason for the above diskgroup failure is that the both disks have the same Veritas diskid and Veritas diskgroup id.
In addition both disks are reporting a "udid_mismatch", as a result of the Kernel unique disk identifier ( UDID) that is known to the device discovery layer (DDL), being different to the UDID on-disk.

The Kernel UDID (this is the actual UDID of the dmpnode) that is known to the device discovery layer (DDL) is different to the UDID on-disk value, the udid_mismatch flag may be reported in such scenarios.


VxVM 5.1 SP1 RP2 P2 HF5 hot-fix can be obtained by contacting Veritas Support.

The mentioned vxconfigd messages will be enhanced to include the actual diskgroup name in a future release.

Reference Etrack:


- When importing a standard (non-clone) VxVM diskgroup, the user will see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

Dec 17 10:10:16 dopey vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-0 Selecting configuration database copy from emc0_0280 from disks: emc0_0280 emc0_0279
Dec 17 10:10:16 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Trying to import the disk group <dg-name>   using configuration database copy from emc0_0280


- When importing a clone VxVM diskgroup, the user will see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

Dec 17 10:10:12 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Disk Group <dg-name> only has cloned disks or useclonedev=on option is specified: Trying to import the disk group from the cloned disks
Dec 17 10:10:12 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Selecting configuration database copy from emc0_00eb from disks: emc0_00eb 
Dec 17 10:41:53 dopey vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] V-5-1-0 Trying to import the disk group <dg-name>   using configuration database copy from emc0_00eb


- When attempting to import a VxVM diskgroup which has multiple deported images (clones), the user may see the following message recorded in /var/adm/messages:

Dec 17 10:10:21 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-0 Disk Group <dg-name>   import failed: Duplicate clone disks are detected, please follow the vxdg (1M) man page to import disk group with duplicate clone disks. Duplicate clone disks are: emc0_027b : emc0_027a
Dec 17 10:10:21 vxvm:vxconfigd: V-5-1-569 Disk group testdg, Disk emc0_027b: Cannot auto-import group:


Veritas also plan to add the enhanced vxdg import messages to the command line where the "vxdg import" command is performed. This will save the user referencing the /var/adm/messages files. This will also be addressed in a future release.

Reference Etrack:


Applies To



Etrack : 2643634

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