Status Code 84, 191, 213, 800, 2074, 2106: Disk Storage Volume is intermittently being marked down.

Article: 100007548
Last Published: 2024-10-07
Ratings: 11 3
Product(s): Appliances, NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


NetBackup deduplication disk pool/disk volume intermittently goes to a DOWN state. Backups/duplications can fail with status 213, 84, 191, 800, 2074 and 2106.

Error Message


The NetBackup Disk Polling Service (DPS), which is responsible for telling NetBackup whether a disk pool / disk volume is up, polls stats from the MSDP / PDDO / OST storage servers via bpstsinfo. However, DPS has a 1 minute default timeout limit. If DPS does not get a reply back within one minute, DPS treats the timeout as an error on the disk pool / disk volumes as down.

Heavy system resource load or depletion of system resources can cause a delay in the DPS reply.



On the Media Servers, increase the NetBackup Disk Polling Service (DPS) timeout, per steps below.

Windows Steps:

  1. Create the following empty file to disable DPS Proxy timeout:
    • install_path\netbackup\db\config\DPS_PROXYNOEXPIRE
  2. Create the following two DPS configuration files and add an entry of: 1800 or the max of 3600.
    • install_path\netbackup\db\config\DPS_PROXYDEFAULTSENDTMO
    • install_path\netbackup\db\config\DPS_PROXYDEFAULTRECVTMO
      • Note: There must be no file extensions on the DPS configuration files. For example: No '.txt' extension.
      • The files should only contain the number value (1800 or 3600) and no other data within the file.
  3. Restart nbrmms (NetBackup Remote Manager and Monitor Service), or just stop and restart all services.
    • install_path\netbackup\bin\bpdown -f -v
    • install_path\netbackup\bin\bpup -f -v

UNIX/Linux Steps:

  1. Create the following empty file to disable DPS Proxy timeout:

# touch /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/DPS_PROXYNOEXPIRE

# echo "3600" > /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/DPS_PROXYDEFAULTSENDTMO

# echo "3600" > /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/DPS_PROXYDEFAULTRECVTMO

  1. Restart nbrmms (NetBackup Remote Manager and Monitor Service):

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrmms -terminate

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrmms 

  1. Or, stop and restart all services on the MSDP media server:

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup stop

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start


Note: If the issue persists after one daily or nightly backup schedule window after employing the above configuration changes, remove the touch files and troubleshoot the issue further via logs:

Primary - nbemm (111), rem(219)
Media    - nbrmms (222), dps(220), dsm(178), rdsm (230),  nbstserv (226), bpstsinfo (legacy)
Storage Server logs 
  - MSDP - spoold, spad
  - DataDomain -

Consult OST vendor documentation for location of the OST logging.



Etrack : 2575709

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