This article is a reference for numerous Cluster Server (VCS) commands.
LLT and GAB files
LLT and GAB Commands
GAB Port Memberbership
Cluster daemons
Cluster Log Files
Starting and Stopping the cluster
Cluster Status
Cluster Details
System Operations
Dynamic Configuration
Service Groups
Service Group Operations
Resource Operations
Resource Types
Resource Agents
Resource Agent Operations
VCS uses two components, LLT and GAB, to share data over the private networks among systems.
These components provide the performance and reliability required by VCS.
LLT | LLT (Low Latency Transport) provides fast, kernel-to-kernel comms and monitors network connections. The system admin configures the LLT by creating a configuration file (llttab) that describes the systems in the cluster and private network links among them. The LLT runs in layer 2 of the network stack. |
GAB | GAB (Group membership and Atomic Broadcast) provides the global message order required to maintain a synchronised state among the systems, and monitors disk comms such as that required by the VCS heartbeat utility. The system admin configures GAB driver by creating a configuration file ( gabtab). |
/etc/llthosts |
The file is a database, containing one entry per system, that links the LLT system ID with the hosts name. The file is identical on each server in the cluster. |
/etc/llttab |
The file contains information that is derived during installation and is used by the utility lltconfig. |
/etc/gabtab |
The file contains the information needed to configure the GAB driver. This file is used by the gabconfig utility. |
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ |
The VCS configuration file. The file contains the information that defines the cluster and its systems. |
-c Configure the driver for use |
Verifying that links are active for LLT | lltstat -n |
verbose output of the lltstat command | lltstat -nvv | more |
open ports for LLT | lltstat -p |
display the values of LLT configuration directives | lltstat -c |
lists information about each configured LLT link | lltstat -l |
List all MAC addresses in the cluster | lltconfig -a list |
stop the LLT running | lltconfig -U |
start the LLT | lltconfig -c |
verify that GAB is operating | gabconfig -a Note: port a indicates that GAB is communicating, port h indicates that VCS is started. |
stop GAB running | gabconfig -U |
start GAB | gabconfig -c |
start GAB with a set number of nodes | gabconfig -c -n <number of nodes> |
override the seed values in the gabtab file | gabconfig -c -x |
List Membership | gabconfig -a |
Unregister port f | /opt/VRTS/bin/fsclustadm cfsdeinit |
Port Function | a gab driver b I/O fencing (designed to guarantee data integrity) d ODM (Oracle Disk Manager) f CFS (Cluster File System) h VCS (VERITAS Cluster Server: high availability daemon) o VCSMM driver (kernel module needed for Oracle and VCS interface) q QuickLog daemon v CVM (Cluster Volume Manager) w vxconfigd (module for cvm) y kernel-tokernel communication used for I/O shipping. |
High Availability Daemon | had |
Companion Daemon | hashadow |
Resource Agent daemon | <resource>Agent |
Web Console cluster management daemon | CmdServer |
Log Directory | /var/VRTSvcs/log |
primary log file (engine log file) | /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log |
Agent logs | /var/VRTSvcs/log/<Agent type>_A.log |
Starting and Stopping the cluster
"-stale" instructs the engine to treat the local config as stale |
hastart [-stale|-force] |
Bring the cluster into running mode from a stale state using the configuration file from a particular server. |
hasys -force <server_name> |
Stop the cluster on the local server. Note: This will also bring any clustered resources offline. |
hastop -local |
Stop cluster on local server but evacuate (failover) the application/s to another node within the cluster. |
hastop -local -evacuate |
Stop the cluster on all nodes but leave the clustered resources online. |
hastop -all -force |
display cluster summary | hastatus -summary |
continually monitor cluster | hastatus |
verify the cluster is operating | hasys -display |
information about a cluster | haclus -display |
value for a specific cluster attribute | haclus -value <attribute> |
modify a cluster attribute | haclus -modify <attribute name> <new> |
Enable LinkMonitoring | haclus -enable LinkMonitoring |
Disable LinkMonitoring | haclus -disable LinkMonitoring |
add a user | hauser -add <username> |
modify a user | hauser -update <username> |
delete a user | hauser -delete <username> |
display all users | hauser -display |
add a system to the cluster | hasys -add <sys> |
delete a system from the cluster | hasys -delete <sys> |
Modify a system attributes | hasys -modify <sys> <modify options> |
list a system state | hasys -state |
Force a system to start | hasys -force |
Display the systems attributes | hasys -display [-sys] |
List all the systems in the cluster | hasys -list |
Change the load attribute of a system | hasys -load <system> <value> |
Display the value of a systems nodeid (/etc/llthosts) | hasys -nodeid |
Freeze a system (No offlining system, No groups onlining) | hasys -freeze [-persistent][-evacuate] Note: must be in write mode |
Unfreeze a system ( reenable groups and resource back online) | hasys -unfreeze [-persistent] Note: must be in write mode |
The VCS configuration must be in read/write mode in order to make changes. When in read/write mode the
configuration becomes stale, a .stale file is created in $VCS_CONF/conf/config. When the configuration is put
back into read-only mode the .stale file is removed.
Change configuration to read/write mode | haconf -makerw |
Change configuration to read-only mode | haconf -dump -makero |
Check what mode cluster is running in | haclus -display |grep -i 'readonly' 0 = write mode |
Check the configuration file | hacf -verify /etc/VRTS/conf/config Note: you can point to any directory as long as it has and |
convert a file into cluster commands | hacf -cftocmd /etc/VRTS/conf/config -dest /tmp |
convert a command file into a file | hacf -cmdtocf /tmp -dest /etc/VRTS/conf/config |
add a service group | haconf -makerw hagrp -add groupw hagrp -modify groupw SystemList sun1 1 sun2 2 hagrp -autoenable groupw -sys sun1 haconf -dump -makero |
delete a service group | haconf -makerw hagrp -delete groupw haconf -dump -makero |
change a service group | haconf -makerw Note: use the "hagrp -display <group>" to list attributes |
list the service groups | hagrp -list |
list the groups dependencies | hagrp -dep <group> |
list the parameters of a group | hagrp -display <group> |
display a service group's resource | hagrp -resources <group> |
display the current state of the service group | hagrp -state <group> |
clear a faulted non-persistent resource in a specific grp | hagrp -clear <group> [-sys] <host> <sys> |
Change the system list in a cluster. | # remove the host # add the new host (don't forget to state its position) # update the autostart list |
Start a service group and bring its resources online | hagrp -online <group> -sys <sys> |
Stop a service group and takes its resources offline | hagrp -offline <group> -sys <sys> |
Switch a service group from system to another | hagrp -switch <group> -to <sys> |
Enable all the resources in a group | hagrp -enableresources <group> |
Disable all the resources in a group | hagrp -disableresources <group> |
Freeze a service group (disable onlining and offlining) | hagrp -freeze <group> [-persistent] note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen" |
Unfreeze a service group (enable onlining and offlining) | hagrp -unfreeze <group> [-persistent] note: use the following to check "hagrp -display <group> | grep TFrozen" |
Enable a service group. Only Enabled groups can be brought online. | haconf -makerw Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled" |
Disable a service group. Stop from bringing online. | haconf -makerw Note to check run the following command "hagrp -display | grep Enabled" |
Flush a service group and enable corrective action. | hagrp -flush <group> -sys <system> |
add a resource | haconf -makerw hares -add appDG DiskGroup groupw hares -modify appDG Enabled 1 hares -modify appDG DiskGroup appdg hares -modify appDG StartVolumes 0 haconf -dump -makero |
delete a resource | haconf -makerw hares -delete <resource> haconf -dump -makero |
change a resource | haconf -makerw Note: list parameters "hares -display <resource>" |
change a resource attribute to be globally wide | hares -global <resource> <attribute> <value> |
change a resource attribute to be locally wide | hares -local <resource> <attribute> <value> |
list the parameters of a resource | hares -display <resource> |
list the resources | hares -list |
list the resource dependencies | hares -dep |
Online a resource | hares -online <resource> [-sys] |
Offline a resource | hares -offline <resource> [-sys] |
display the state of a resource( offline, online, etc) | hares -state |
display the parameters of a resource | hares -display <resource> |
Offline a resource and propagate the command to its children | hares -offprop <resource> -sys <sys> |
Cause a resource agent to immediately monitor the resource | hares -probe <resource> -sys <sys> |
Clearing a resource (automatically initiates the onlining) | hares -clear <resource> [-sys] |
Add a resource type | hatype -add <type> |
Remove a resource type | hatype -delete <type> |
List all resource types | hatype -list |
Display a resource type | hatype -display <type> |
List a partitcular resource type | hatype -resources <type> |
Change a particular resource types attributes | hatype -value <type> <attr> |
add a agent | pkgadd -d . <agent package> |
remove a agent | pkgrm <agent package> |
change a agent | n/a |
list all ha agents | haagent -list |
Display agents run-time information i.e has it started, is it running ? | haagent -display <agent_name> |
Display agents faults | haagent -display |grep Faults |
Start an agent | haagent -start <agent_name>[-sys] |
Stop an agent | haagent -stop <agent_name>[-sys] |