Network bandwidth throttling does not work for all policy types

Article: 100005086
Last Published: 2014-10-27
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


The NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume 1 indicates that the network bandwidth used by backups cannot be limited for DataTools-SQL-BackTrack, MS-SQL-Server, and Oracle policy types.  However, it doesn't appear to work with FlashBackup and other additional policy types.

Error Message

The nbjm debug log shows the following message for the jobs that ignore the bandwidth limits that are configured.

[jobid=XXX parentid=YYY] 1 [BackupJob::startThrottle] (02503528) throttling not needed for this job(BackupJob.cpp:2953)


Network bandwidth throttling is only implemented for specific policy types.


Bandwidth throttling is not supported for policy types AFS, DB2, FlashBackup, FlashBackup-Windows, Lotus-Notes, MS-SharePoint, MS-SQL-Server, NCR-Teradata, NDMP, SAP, Vault,VMware,Hyper-V and Enterprise-Vault. 

Any Bandwidth limits configured within the Host Properties or by specifying the LIMIT_BANDWIDTH option in the bp.conf file will not apply to these types of backups.


Applies To

Multiple versions of NetBackup and multiple policy types.


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