0xe0001203 - An error occurred while creating or accessing the directory specified for this operation.

Article: 100003876
Last Published: 2014-07-09
Ratings: 0 5
Product(s): Backup Exec


Exchange backup to deduplication folder fails with the following error:

0xe0001203 - An error occurred while creating or accessing the directory specified for this operation. Check to make sure that the B2D folder and/or the temporary path specified for this operation are valid.
Final error category: Resource Errors


Error Message

 Backup Job Log Shows:
0xe0001203 - An error occurred while creating or accessing the directory specified for this operation. Check to make sure that the B2D folder and/or the temporary path specified for this operation are valid.

Windows Event Log Shows:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: PDVFS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 50000
Date: 11/20/2010
Time: 3:19:53 PM
User: N/A
An error occurred in the PDVFS driver: <ERR> PdvfsOpendir: failed errno=2

Final error category: Resource Errors


The issue may occur if the PDVFS service is stopped or has caused a connection error to the disk image. Rebooting the server resets the service and connection to the image.


 1. Check the path to the drive image:

Start >Run -- then type in the path \\.pdvfs and select "Ok"

If an access error is received, the PdvfsService component is not able to present the file system view of the deduplication folder. A reboot of the server may be necessary to properly restart the PdvfsService component. Note that just restarting the service is not sufficient.

After the reboot, check again for access to the \\.pdvfs path. Then run the backup job again.

Please make sure to run Live Update and verify that Backup Exec is using the latest version and Hotfixes.

2. Additional Troubleshooting:

Rebooting the server only resolves the symptom of the problem. In order to gather information on the root cause of the problem, the Application Event log and Backup Exec crash dump directory should be searched to find evidence of Pdvfs.dll crashes.

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