How to reset the OpsCenter admin account password to log into the OpsCenter Console

Article: 100003438
Last Published: 2021-11-07
Ratings: 6 6
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


There are two different methods to change the default admin password.

Method 1

Via the OpsCenter Console, log in with an account with Administrator rights and navigate to  Settings > Users. Check the box next to "admin" and click on Edit.
There is a Password: Reset Password option.

Method 2

If unable to log into the OpsCenter Console, reset the admin account password from the command line.

Use the vssat command to change the password for this admin principal in Veritas Product Authentication Service.
To change the password in Veritas Product Authentication Service:

1. Navigate to the following directory: 
Linux:  /opt/SYMCOpsCenterServer/authbroker/bin
Windows:   <install_path>\OpsCenter\server\authbroker\bin

2. Run the following command:
vssat resetpasswd -t ab -d  OpsCenterUsers -p admin -n <newpasswd> -r <repnewpasswd>
Or you can be prompted for the new password  For example:

C:\Program Files\Symantec\OpsCenter\server\authbroker\bin> vssat resetpasswd -t ab -d OpsCenterUsers -p admin
Enter new password:
Reenter new password:
Changed PassWord For:   admin


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