After move of /Storage to a new partition disk pool continues to go down - Error nbjm(pid=2756) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down Disk volume is down(2074)

Article: 100002747
Last Published: 2013-08-27
Ratings: 3 3


After move of /Storage to a new partition diskpool continues to go down when backup is attempted.

Error Message

Error nbjm(pid=2756) NBU status: 2074, EMM status: Disk volume is down Disk volume is down(2074).


  1. Run the following commands to query and update the disk pool device status on the netbackup server end.

To check the state of the disk pool

../NetBackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevquery -listdp -stype PureDisk -U

  1. To check the state of the disk volume

../NetBackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevquery -listdv -stype PureDisk -dp <disk Pool name> -dv <disk volume name> -U

Note - the disk volume name in the command above was found in the NetBackup Admin Console in the All diskpools selection. 

  1. To bring up the disk volume state

../NetBackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -changestate -stype PureDisk -dp <Disk Pool name> -dv <disk volume name> -state UP

Note - the <disk volume name> can be obtained by the NetBackup Administration Console /devices/diskpools selection.

If the above commands do not help for getting the status to update for the diskpool volumes or the diskpool continues to go down in the NetBackup console, recycle the services of netbackup which will update the status as per the high watermark settings at the PureDisk end for the disk volume.

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