How to redirect NetBackup database image files per Client from C drive (C:\) to D drive (D:\) on a Windows master server using ALTPATH method

Article: 100002250
Last Published: 2022-05-27
Ratings: 2 2
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


How to redirect NetBackup database image files per Client from C drive (C:\) to D drive (D:\) on a Windows master server using ALTPATH method


By default NetBackup will be installed on a Windows server to the local C:\ drive.  If the C:\ drive begins to fill up over time, space can be reclaimed by moving the NetBackup images database to another local disk on the master server.  

To move the images database do the following.

1. Back up the NetBackup catalogs by running a Hot or Online catalog backup.  A backup of the catalogs ensures that you can recover image information in case something is accidentally lost during the move.

2. Check the Jobs tab in the Activity Monitor and ensure that no backups or restores are running for the client.  If jobs are running, either wait for them to end or stop them by using the Jobs
tab in the Activity Monitor.

3. Use the Daemons tab in the Activity Monitor to stop the Request Daemon and the Database Manager services. These services are stopped to prevent jobs from starting. Do not modify the database while this procedure is performed.

4. Create a file named ALTPATH in the image catalog directory for each client. For example, if NetBackup is installed in the default location and the client name is mars, the path to the image catalog is:

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\images\mars\ALTPATH

5. Create the directory to which you intend to move the image information. For example:


6. On the first line of the ALTPATH file, specify the path to the directory where you intend to move the client's image information. For example:


The path is the only entry in the ALTPATH file.

7. Copy all files and directories (except the ALTPATH file) that are in the current client directory to the new directory.  

For example, if the images are currently in
C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\images\mars
and the ALTPATH file specifies
then copy all files and directories (except the ALTPATH file) to
8. If NetBackup services are running under Local Service account context, then execute this command to grant full access to NetBackup services to the ALTPATH directory:

<install_path>\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nbserviceusercmd.exe -addAcl "D:\NetBackup\alternate_db\images\mars" -reason "ALTPATH ACLs update"

Note: To check if NetBackup services are running under Local Service account context, refer ‘SERVICE_USER’ key in NetBackup configuration.

9. Start the NetBackup Request Manager and NetBackup Database Manager services by using the Services tab in the Activity Monitor.

Backups and restores can now resume for the client.

Once backups and restores have been tested, remove the folders containing the image files in the original C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\images\mars folder.  This will reclaim the disk space in the C: drive.

Note:  Do not remove the ALTPATH file or the original client folder.  The client_name\ALTPATH file is the pointer to the new location for all the image files done for that client.
An alternative approach by using a Windows Mount point is described in Technote: 100023881

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