Enterprise Vault, Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator Environment Reports

Article: 100002091
Last Published: 2025-03-04
Ratings: 39 4
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


This article contains the Environment Report data-gathering scripts. These scripts should be used under the guidance of Technical Support.


Error Message







Please run the required scripts as guided by Technical Support. Extract the applicable script(s) from the attachment(s) below, run the script(s) per the instructions below and upload the results for review.

1. In order for the SQL scripts to complete and capture all of the required information, the SQL scripts will need to be executed with an account having sysadmin rights.
2. The scripts can take from minutes to hours to run. They perform no data manipulation as their only purpose is to gather data. They do have a slight overhead, but are safe to run in a production environment.

ConfigurationDBReport (CA or DA Configuration Database Report)

Run ConfigurationDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the CA/DA databases against the appropriate Configuration database. This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the ConfigurationDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the Accelerator databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Configuration database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the correct Configuration database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Repeat for any more Configuration databases as needed.
- Compress the output files and upload to the case for review.


CustodianManagerDBReport (Custodian Manager Database Report)

Run CustodianManagerDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the CA/DA databases against the appropriate CustodianManager database. This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the CustodianManagerDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the Accelerator databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Custodian Manager database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the correct Custodian Manager database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Compress the output file and upload to the case for review.

CustomerDBReport (CA/VAS or DA Customer Database Report)

Run CustomerDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the CA/DA databases against the appropriate Customer database(s). This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the CustomerDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the Accelerator databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Customer database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the correct Customer database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Repeat for any more Customer databases as needed.
- Compress the output files and upload to the case for review.


EVDDBReport (EnterpriseVaultDirectory Database Report)

Run EVDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the EV databases against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database. This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the EVDDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the EV databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the Enterprise Vault Directory database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Compress the output file and upload to the case for review.

RegistryReport (Server or Workstation Registry Report)

Run RegistryReport on each EV/CA/DA/SQL Server. This report will capture the Enterprise Vault specific information from the Registry and write the information to a text file on the desktop with the server name.
- Rename the RegistryReport_Vxxx.bat.txt file to RegistryReport_Vxxx.bat.
- On each EV, CA, DA and SQL Server in the environment, browse to the batch file location via an elevated command prompt, type the name of the batch file and press enter to execute it. To open an elevated command prompt, use one of the following:
-- Right-click the Windows menu taskbar icon at the bottom left of the desktop | Select Command Prompt (Admin).
-- Open the Start Menu or Start Screen | Type: cmd | Right-click on Command Prompt | Select Run as administrator.
-- Open the Start Menu or Start Screen | Type: cmd | Hold the Shift and Ctrl keys then hit Enter.
- Gather all the results text files and indicate each servers' role in the file name (EV, CA, DA, SQL). Compress the output files and upload to the case for review.


SQLReport (SQL Server Report)

Run SQLReport on the SQL Server that houses the EV databases. This report will capture information about the SQL server - no data will be changed.
- Save the SQLReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the EV/CA/DA databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Master database under System Databases and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the Master database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Compress the output file and upload to the case for review.


VSDBReport (Vault Store Database Report)

Run VSDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the EV Vault Store databases. This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the VSDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the EV databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Vault Store database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the correct Vault Store database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Repeat for any more Vault Store databases as needed.
- Compress the output files and upload to the case for review.


VSGFPDBReport (Vault Store Group Fingerprint Database Report)

Run VSGFPDBReport on the SQL Server that houses the EV Vault Store Group Fingerprint databases. This report will capture information about the database - no data will be changed.
- Save the VSGFPDBReport_Vxxx.sql file on the SQL Server hosting the EV databases.
- Open SQL Server Management Studio, select the Vault Store Group Fingerprint database and start a new query.
- Copy/Paste the contents of the file into a new query window, or open the file from Management Studio (verify the correct Vault Store Group Fingerprint database is selected).
- Change the output format to file under Query | Results To | Results To File.
- Execute the query and save to a .RPT file as prompted.
- Repeat for any more Vault Store Group Fingerprint databases as needed.
- Compress the output files and upload to the case for review.


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