V-79-57344-34028 - Backups to Deduplication storage fail with Error: 0xe00084ec - A backup storage read/write error has occurred.

Article: 100001962
Last Published: 2023-10-20
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


Backups to Deduplication storage fail with Error: 0xe00084ec - A backup storage read/write error has occurred.

Error Message

V-79-57344-34028 - Final error: 0xe00084ec - A backup storage read/write error has occurred.


1. The remote agent service on the remote server loosing connection with the Deduplication services on Backup Exec Server.
2. This error can also be caused if there is some internal corruption in Deduplication folder.


These are few checks that can be performed to narrow down or fix the problem :

1. Ensure there is enough free space to write to the Deduplication Storage Folder. Deduplication Storage folder statistics can be check by running the following command : Open command prompt, change directory to BE Install Path and execute the command crstats.exe --verbose --convert-size. Make sure the 'Use Rate' is on a lower side to accommodate the backup source data. If the Backup is still failing then refer point 2.

2. Open command prompt, change directory to BE Install Path and execute the command -
crcontrol.exe --getmode

Make sure the modes show as below. This suggests that the deduplication storage is working properly. If any of the modes which show YES, change the state to No or the ones which show as No change to Yes, then there could be a problem within Deduplication storage and tech support assistance will be required.

Backup Exec 16 correct output - 


Backup Exec 20 correct output -

Dcscan can also be run on the deduplication storage folder to check if any errors exists. If errors are seen then make sure disk is working perfectly (Check point 7). Involve technical support for further assistance.

3. The same backup can be run to a non deduplication storage folder to check if the error is specific to the Deduplication Storage or not.

4. Open the failed Job Log from Job Monitor -> Job Histories section. Expand the Device and Media information section and check if a Device Hostname section exists and is pointing to the remote server which is being backed up. This would mean that the job which has failed is running with Client Side deduplication. Edit that Backup job -> Edit Job settings -> Storage -> If the Job is set to "Enable the remote computer to directly access the storage device and to perform client-side deduplication, if it is supported" then switch to server side deduplication to test the backup with this setting. If this works, then create a KeepAliveTime dword ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters) on BE server and set it to decimal 5000. A reboot is needed for the registry to take effect.
5. If the remote servers are located behind a firewall, the following articles explain how to proceed  and which port to open (   V-370-59792-00041 - How to configure Backup Exec with Firewalls).

6. Intermediate devices, like routers or firewalls, could be closing tcp connections that stay  idle for some time. In this case the configuration of  those devices has to be modified to reflect a  sensible value for the "tcp idle timeout" parameter.

7. Ensure the Deduplication drive is free from any NTFS errors. A CHKDSK can be run to confirm the volume is corruption free. ( Go to properties of the deduplication drive -> properties -> Tools -> Perform 'Error Checking')
8. Make sure the Antivirus software if installed on the BE or remote server has exclusions set for Deduplication storage drive and processes.

Path exclusions

  • \\.pdvfs
  • \Device\Pdvfs\*.*
  • \Device\Pdvfs\PdvfsRedirector\*.*
  • X:\ (where x: is the volume letter where deduplication is installed)
  • N:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec (covering where the Backup Exec program files are located)

Process exclusions

  • <path>\bengine.exe
  • <path>\beremote.exe
  • <path>\beserver.exe
  • <path>\PDVFSService.exe
  • <path>\pvlsvr.exe
  • <path>\spad.exe
  • <path>\spoold.exe
9. Deselect 'Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties' from the dedupe drive properties.

10. Disable teredo tunneling. Backup to deduplication storage may also fail with read write error if teredo tunneling is enabled.
Note: If starting with a new deduplication storage folder, then create a test storage in BE and while original deduplication folder is deleted, the jobs can be re-targeted to this test storage. Later when a new deduplication storage folder is configured in backup exec, test storage can be deleted which would trigger jobs to be re-targeted, choose the newly configured deduplication storage folder. This way manual job edits to map to correct storage can be easily done.

It is recommended to be on the latest Backup Exec version. Also ensure the Backup Exec software is patched with latest updates. Please review the Hardware and Software Compatibility List before upgrading to the latest Backup Exec version.



UMI : V-79-57344-34029 UMI : V-79-57344-34028 Etrack : 0xe00084ec

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