VxVM vxio V-5-0-936 Cannot allocate mem of size 32768 bytes1 for Version 5.0

Article: 100001063
Last Published: 2019-04-03
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


VxVM vxio V-5-0-936 Cannot allocate mem of size 32768 bytes1

Error Message

Jan 18 07:18:15 g08pacsdbn1 kernel: VxVM vxio V-5-0-936 Cannot allocate mem of size 32768 bytes1
Jan 18 07:26:34 g08pacsdbn1 kernel: VxVM vxio V-5-0-936 Cannot allocate mem of size 32768 bytes1
Jan 18 07:42:50 g08pacsdbn1 kernel: VxVM vxio V-5-0-936 Cannot allocate mem of size 32768 bytes1


From the above kernel messages we see that vxio is requesting 32k of memory to carry out its vxio operation. However, its request is not fulfilled by the kernel.  Possible causes could be:

1. Too much memory fragmentation.
2.  Memory starvation on the node.


However, VxVM kernel memory allocation mechanism has been changed in 5.0MP3RP2/RP3. After the change, vxio allocates it with sleep,which will call vmalloc() for allocation, it means if vxio  doesn't find contiguous memory of 32k size it will attempt to allocate it from smaller buffers like 16k, 8k & 4k.  

The above messages are also suppressed in 5.0MP4RP1. 

Applies To

Veritas Volume Manager


Etrack : 1635999

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