How to control the media server used to restore backups accessible by multiple media servers

Article: 100000701
Last Published: 2020-03-18
Ratings: 1 5
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


How to control the media server used to restore backups from a disk pool or tape accessible by multiple media servers.

Where disk storage pools or tapes are shared between multiple media servers, the default behavior of NetBackup during restore operations is to load balance and direct the restore to the 'least busy' media server rather than the one which made the backup. This can cause problems if the media server selected to perform the restore is licensed as a SAN media server or does not have network access to the client the restore is being made to.

This also applies to NDMP restores which do not honor the FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER option and require USE_BACKUP_MEDIA_SERVER_FOR_RESTORE instead.

In NetBackup there are three options available to users who encounter this problem:

Option 1

Set a FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER in bp.conf on UNIX/Linux master servers (or the Server properties on Windows master servers) – this works on a per server basis and allows the user to specify a specific media server to be used for restore operations based on the media server used to make the backup. To ensure the same media server is used to make both the backup and the restore simply specify the same name for both the backup and restore server.

Option 2

Create the touch file USE_BACKUP_MEDIA_SERVER_FOR_RESTORE (see examples below) – this is a global setting that always forces restore to the server that did the backup.

Note: When this touch file is in place all FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER and FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER settings are ignored.

•  UNIX/Linux – /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/USE_BACKUP_MEDIA_SERVER_FOR_RESTORE
•  Windows – install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\db\config\USE_BACKUP_MEDIA_SERVER_FOR_RESTORE

Option 3

Run the restore from the command line using the qualifier -disk_media_server on the bprestore command – this works on a per job level and allows the user to specify the media server required for the specific restore job. Unlike the other two options this is a dynamic setting that can be applied when needed.

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