hastatus shows the cluster is up, but the vxdctl -c mode command shows it as inactive.

Article: 100000548
Last Published: 2022-02-15
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


hastatus shows the cluster is up, but the vxdctl -c mode command shows it as inactive.


# vxdctl -c mode
mode: enabled: cluster inactive



From the man page of vxdctl we see that if the -c flag is specified and vxconfigd is in the enabled mode, the clustered state of vxconfigd is displayed. The output format is:
mode: enabled: clustered_state
where clustered_state is one of following:
cluster inactive
cluster active - role not set
cluster active - MASTER
cluster active - SLAVE.

This information is only available if the VxVM cluster feature is enabled e.g

# vxlicrep -e 
 CVM_FULL                            =Enabled

The VxVM cluster feature means you are using Cluster Volume Manager (CVM/CFS) and both the nodes have a diskgroup imported/filesystem mounted at the same time .For example in a Oracle RAC setup.

# vxdctl -c mode
mode: enabled: cluster active - MASTER

To check the vxconfigd mode only, use the following:

# vxdctl mode
mode: enabled

vxconfigd operates in the following  modes:  


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