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Article: 100000536
Last Published: 2021-07-22
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
Storage Foundation(SF) 5.0 MP3 introduces device name consistency
As configurations in data centers scale up and more SAN devices and nodes have to be managed, there is a greater need for consistency and predictability in device naming.
Storage Foundation (SF) supports two main device naming schemes - Operating System Native (OSN) naming and Enclosure Based Names (EBN)
Enclosure name consistency usually is not a problem, even when hosts are connected to multiple enclosures of the same type. The number of enclosures is small enough that consistency can be ensured through manual configurations.
Device indexing can be inconsistent as it does not consistently uniquely identify the device.
Volume Manager (VxVM) will sort the devices based on the LUN serial number (LSN) and uses the index to create the suffix for the device name. All nodes that see the same set of devices, will have the same sorted list, leading to some sort of consistent device indices across the cluster.
To overcome this limitation SF 5.0 MP3 introduces athird naming convention sometimes referred as "EBN_AVID" to enable device name consistencyEBN = Enclosure Based Naming
AVID= Array Volume Identifier
How the introduction of the AVID features makes life easier
With the introduction of thenew EBN_AVID naming scheme, identifying storage devices becomes far easier with consistent device naming across multiple nodes connected to the same storage and the disk access name will never change as it is based on the name defined at the array level.
When SF does not have access to a device AVID, it retrieves another unique LUN identifier called LUN serial number.
Finally, Storage Foundation supports a scalable framework allowing users to fully customize the device names on a host by applying a 'device naming file' that associates custom names with cabinet and LUN serial numbers.
# vxddladm getnamingscheme
EnclosureBased Yes Yes Yes
Note: EBN_AVID co-existence with EMC PowerPath controlled devices is not supported, therefore, the EBN_AVID naming convention is suppressed.
SF 5.0MP3 enables naming consistency in the following manner
Storage Foundation goes deeper into the storage arrays and discovers the short array volume identifiers (AVID) that are used for identification and management of array volumes on the storage managementconsole. The device index suffix of an EBN is set to match the discovered AVID.
This ensures consistency of the disk access name across all nodes connected to the same SAN device.
This makes the life of the system and storage administrators far easier than ever before.
AVIDs are usually hardware specific. On an EMC DMX array for example, the AVID value matches adevice's LUN id (SYMDEV) viewable from the EMC Solution Enabler SYMCLIinterface. Whilst on Hitachi (HDS) or HP XP storage arrays, the AVID equates to a device's CU:LDEV.
EMC DMX Array Example
The attached EMC DMX array has a Symmetrix id of "000290300822" for which can beshortened to "822"
# vxdmpadm listenclosure all
emc0 EMC 000290300 822 CONNECTED A/A 14
emc_clariion0 EMC_CLARiiON CK200053300424 CONNECTED CLR-A/PF 7
disk Disk DISKS CONNECTED Disk 3
The WWN value for the EMC symmaskdb command can be obtained from SFcommands "vxlist ctlr" and "vxdmpadm getctlr"
# vxlistctlr
hba c1 FC online 20:00:00:01:73:01:bb:eb /pci@1e,600000/SUNW,jfca@2/fp@0,0
hba c2 FC online - /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2
# vxdmpadm getctlr
c1 /pci@1e,600000/SUNW,jfca@2/fp@0,0 JNICorporation 20:00:00:01:73:01:bb:eb
c2 /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2 - -
#echo "20:00:00:01:73:01:bb:eb" | tr -d":"
# /opt/emc/SYMCLI/V6.5.1/bin/symmaskdb -sid 822 list devs -wwn 200000017301bbeb
Symmetrix ID :000290300822
Originator Port wwn : 200000017301bbeb
User-generatedName : rdgv240sol13/200000017301bbeb
SymDev LUN
Name Dir:P Physical Device Name VBUS TID SYMMHOST Attr Cap(MB)
------ ----- ----------------------- ---- --- -------- ---- -------
0052 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_0052s2 0 0 fc 0 2015
0053 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_0053s2 0 0 fd 0 2015
0054 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_0054s2 0 0 fe 0 2015
0055 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_0055s2 0 0 ff 0 2015
008C 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_008cs2 0 0 10a 0 2015
008D 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_008ds2 0 0 10b 0 2015
008E 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_008es2 0 0 10c 0 2015
008F 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_008fs2 0 0 10d 0 2015
00E7 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_00e7s2 0 0 10 10 2158
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_00e7s2 0 0 f 0 2158
00E8 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_00e8s2 0 0 11 0 2158
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_00e8s2 0 0 c4 c4 2158
00E9 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_00e9s2 0 0 12 12 2158
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_00e9s2 0 0 c5 0 2158
00EA 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_00eas2 0 0 13 13 2158
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_00eas2 0 0 c6 0 2158
00EB 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_00ebs2 0 0 14 14 2158
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_00ebs2 0 0 c7 0 2158
032D 1C:0 rdmp/emc1_032ds2 0 0 d2 d2 (M) 75000
1C:1 rdmp/emc1_032ds2 0 0 e4 0 (M) 75000
The above EMC SYMDEV values correspond to the disk accessnames reported by Storage Foundation:
ie 032D equates to emc0_032d
# vxdisk -e -o alldgs list | grep emc0
emc0_00ea auto:sliced - - online c1t5006048C5368E5A0d198s2 std
emc0_00eb auto:cdsdisk - (bcvdg) onlineudid_mismatch c1t5006048C5368E5A0d199s2bcv
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emc0_00e8 auto:sliced - - online c1t5006048C5368E5A0d196s2 std
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The disk access name can bepresented as uppercase or lowercase characters
# vxddladm setnamingscheme=ebn lowercase=no use_avid=yes
# vxdisk -e -oalldgs list | grep -i emc0
EMC0_00EA auto:sliced - - online c1t5006048C5368E5A0d198s2 std
EMC0_00EB auto:cdsdisk - (bcvdg) onlineudid_mismatch c1t5006048C5368E5A0d199s2bcv
EMC0_00E7 auto:cdsdisk emc0_00e7 bcvdg online c1t5006048C5368E580d16s2std
EMC0_00E8 auto:sliced - - online c1t5006048C5368E5A0d196s2 std
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