How to Configure the Backup Exec Cloud Connector for Microsoft Azure

Article: 100038940
Last Published: 2023-03-13
Ratings: 6 6
Product(s): Backup Exec


  • Backup Exec provides the ability to use Microsoft Azure Cloud for cloud-based storage.
  • Backup Exec supports all Azure regions that are available at this point in time, and also supports both the “Hot” and “Cool” tier types of Blob Storage Containers that users create over the Azure portal.
  • The Backup Exec CloudConnect Optimizer can be used to get a suggested Write Connections value that utilizes the available bandwidth.


To configure the Backup Exec cloud connector for Microsoft Azure, you must have the following items:
  • Backup Exec 16, or above
  • A Microsoft Azure portal account. You should also have a “Storage Account” and a “Container” associated with that “Storage Account.  
Note: To understand more about how to configure a “Storage Account” in Azure portal, see the following link:
  • A Microsoft Azure storage account, and at least one storage access key (Primary access key or Secondary access key)
  • Ensure that the Blob Service containers are already created. Containers represent a logical unit of storage on the cloud-based storage device. 
Note: As a best practice, specific containers should be created to use exclusively with Backup Exec. Each cloud storage device must use a different container. Do not use the same container for multiple cloud storage devices, even if these devices are configured on different Backup Exec servers.
  • Ensure that the container names meet the following Backup Exec requirements:
    • Container names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
    • Containers names cannot begin with a hyphen.
Note: The containers are not available for use in Backup Exec if the container names do not comply with the container naming convention.




1. Click Configure Cloud Storage, then skip to step 4

2. Click Network storage, and then click Next.

3. Click Cloud storage, and then click Next.

4. Enter a name and description for the cloud storage device, and then click Next.

5. From the list of cloud storage providers, select Azure, and then click Next.

6. Click the Cloud storage dropdown and select Azure or Azure China as appropriate.

7. Click Add/Edit next to the Logon account field.

8. On the Logon Account Selection dialog box, click Add.

9. On the Add Logon Credentials dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Account name field, type the Microsoft Azure storage account name.
  • In the Password field, type the Microsoft Azure storage account access key. You can enter the primary access key or the secondary access key.
  • the Confirm password field, type the Microsoft Azure storage account access key again.
  • In the Account name field, type a name for this logon account.
10. Click OK twice.

11. Select the Microsoft Azure logon account that you created in Step 9, and then click Next.

12. Select a container from the list of containers that are associated with the server name, and the logon account details you provided in earlier screens. Click Next

13. Specify how many write operations can run at the same time on this cloud storage device, and then click Next.
Note: This setting determines the number of jobs that can run at the same time on this device. The suitable value for this setting may vary depending on your environment and the bandwidth to the cloud storage. You may choose the default value.
14. Review the configuration summary, and then click Finish. Backup Exec creates a cloud storage device. You must restart the Backup Exec services to bring the new device online.

15. In the window that prompts you to restart the Backup Exec services, click yes. After services restart, Backup Exec displays the new cloud storage location in the All Storage list.

Note:  Lifecycle Management policies should not be applied on Cloud Storage supported by Backup Exec


Notes on Job Configuration within Backup Exec


  • Utilize the Backup Exec CloudConnect Optimizer to obtain suggested Write Connection values that can utilizes the available bandwidth.
  • On the Backup and Restore tab, you can select the Back Up to Disk and then duplicate to Cloud option.
  • To back up data directly to the cloud, select the Back Up to Cloud option.
  • Direct-To-Azure backups, duplicate to Azure (B2D2C - Backup to Disk and then duplicate to Azure) could be the premier use cases. That includes duplicate from Disk, Dedup device, and Tape to Azure cloud storage. 
  • All data is secured using SSL during data transfer from Backup Exec to the Azure cloud storage. However, Backup Exec jobs must have encryption enabled to encrypt the data at-rest in the cloud storage. When you encrypt data, you protect it from unauthorized access. Anyone that tries to access the data must have the encryption key that you create in Backup Exec.
  • Azure cloud connector will take up most of the available bandwidth to ensure faster backups. Hence, we recommend that Azure cloud connector jobs be scheduled during off hours.
  • Lifecycle Management policies should not be applied on Cloud Storage supported by Backup Exec

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