V-79-57344-65193 - Exchange GRT backup fails with error: 0xe000fea9 - The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation

Article: 100032336
Last Published: 2024-07-26
Ratings: 1 2
Product(s): Backup Exec


V-79-57344-65193 - Exchange GRT backup fails with error: 0xe000fea9 - The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation

Error Message

Final error: 0xe000fea9 - The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation.
See the job log for details.
Final error category:
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65193

V-79-57344-65193 - The backup selection '\\ExchangeServer\Microsoft Information Store\Database'
was not successfully processed for Granular Recovery Technology (GRT). The Database Recovery
failed with Error '*Null*'. You will not be able to restore individual items for this backup


One or more of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages has gone missing since Backup Exec got installed.
This can happen if other applications that use the same packages are uninstalled.


Install the missing Microsoft Visual C++ package on Backup Exec Server.

Which C++ package is needed for which version of Backup Exec can be found by viewing the folders in the ~BE\WinNT\Install\VCRedist folder on the Backup Exec Installation DVD. As the folder names detail the C++ package needed.

Execute setup using the vcredist_64/86.exe from the respective folder. Then reboot if prompted and run Windows update after reboot in case the package installed have had security updates. Prepare for a second reboot.



Etrack : 3871091 UMI : V-79-57344-65193

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