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Article: 100020363
Last Published: 2014-09-22
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
This article illustrates the use of RestartAllMAPITaskIntervalMins and RestartOnMAPIMutexError. Enterprise Vault MAPI tasks such as the Exchange Journaling Task and Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task can be configured to restart automatically on an interval or when MAPI Mutex errors are reported.
Enterprise Vault MAPI tasks such as the Exchange Journaling Task and Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task can be configured to restart automatically on an interval or when MAPI Mutex errors are reported.
Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry be made prior to making any registry changes
To restart MAPI tasks on an interval create the following registry key:
Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry be made prior to making any registry changes
To restart MAPI tasks on an interval create the following registry key:
For 32 bit operating system
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
For 64 bit operating system
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
Value Name:
Data Type: DWORD
Specify the number of minutes (decimal) to wait before restarting the MAPI tasks.
To restart MAPI tasks after a MAPI Mutex error is reported set the following registry key:
Data Type: DWORD
Specify the number of minutes (decimal) to wait before restarting the MAPI tasks.
To restart MAPI tasks after a MAPI Mutex error is reported set the following registry key:
For 32 bit operating system
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
For 64 bit operating system
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
Value Name: RestartOnMAPIMutexError
Data Type: DWORD
0 = (Default) Do not restart MAPI Tasks when a MAPI Mutex error is reported.
1 = Restart MAPI Tasks when MAPI Mutex error is reported.
Note: The default for registry value "RestartOnMAPIMutexError" changed from 0 to 1 on EV9 SP3.
After performing the registry modification, restart the Enterprise Vault Task Controller service for the changes to take effect.