V-79-57344-65193 - Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) enabled Incremental backup of Exchange DAG to deduplication folder runs for a long time and fails with an error

Article: 100014245
Last Published: 2018-05-22
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


When taking incremental backup of Exchange Database Availability Group (DAG) to a deduplication storage folder with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) enabled, the jobs runs for a long period and one or more of the databases may report a failure as provided in the error section below

Error Message

V-79-57344-65193 - The backup selection '\\.pdvfs\XXXXXXX\2\BEData\IMG000455' was not successfully processedfor Granular Recovery Technology (GRT). You will not be able to restore individual items for this backup selection



Configure the exclusions within the Anti-Malware software to not monitor the following paths and processes:

Path exclusions

  • \\.pdvfs
  • \Device\Pdvfs\*.*
  • \Device\Pdvfs\PdvfsRedirector\*.*
  • X:\ (where x: is the volume letter where deduplication is installed)
  • N:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec or N:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec (covering where the Backup Exec program files are located)

Process exclusions

  • <path>\bengine.exe
  • <path>\beremote.exe
  • <path>\beserver.exe
  • <path>\PDVFSService.exe
  • <path>\pvlsvr.exe
  • <path>\spad.exe
  • <path>\spoold.exe



Etrack : 3638227

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