The SC upgrader will encounter issues in running if the DB passwords have been altered from their defaults.
In this case you will receive errors like the following:
1/26/16 3:30 PM [exec] ERROR:
1/26/16 3:30 PM [exec] ERROR:
1/26/16 3:30 PM [exec] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
1/26/16 3:30 PM [exec] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
1/26/16 3:30 PM [exec]
Upgrading SC with non-default DB passwords
For SC 9 and prior: A parameter value must be changed prior to running the upgrader to resolve this issue.
The file to edit is <APTARE_HOME>/upgrade/ant/sc_upgrade.xml
The line to change is:
<property name="ropwd" value="aptaresoftware123" />
Change the "ropwd" line to match the current "aptare_ro" DB user's password.
Save your changes and then proceed with the upgrade as documented.
You will also need to modify /opt/aptare/portal/WEB-INF/classes/sprint-config-dal.xml (after running the upgrade)
<property name="password" value="aptaresoftware123"/>
Applies To