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NetBackup OpsCenter 8.3 HotFix - Upgrade of OpenSSL on Windows OpsCenter Servers (ET 4022185)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 4022185
Version: OpsCenter 8.3
Installation Location: OpsCenter Server
Problem Description:
Upgrade of OpenSSL on OpsCenter Servers to address vulnerabilities
Problem Description:
Upgrade of OpenSSL on OpsCenter Servers to address vulnerabilities
Installation Instructions:
Please follow the EEB Installer instructions
1) Download the appropriate EEB package into the /tmp directory.
2) Stop All OpsCenter Server Processes
3) Extract the EEB package into a temporary directory
4) Windows installations:
Log into the Opscenter server/agent with an Asministrator user account
Install the EEB as follows:
Extract the EEB package into a folder.
Execute the command: OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat [-server | -agent | -jvb ] "OpsCenter base-directory"
For example Server: OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -server "C:\Program Files\Veritas"
For example Agent: OpsCenterEEBInstaller.bat -agent "C:\Program Files\Veritas"
5) Start All OpsCenter Server Processes
Checksums for all files (cksum):
File Checksum Byte count
OpsCenter_windows_AMD64_83EEB_ET4022185_1.zip 3155643671 25740848
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