How to troubleshoot Solaris core files for NetBackup support cases

Artikel: 100029309
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2018-05-04
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Produkt(e): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


The following steps should be taken when a NetBackup process or daemon has generated a core file on a Solaris system.  This will help ensure the relevant information is collected for when the core file needs to be analyzed as part of a support escalation.

The following Solaris commands are available for analyzing a core file.  These steps require that both the core file and the binary that generated it.  It is best to run these commands on the system where the core file was originally generated.

Use the following Solaris commands to get a stack trace from the core file.

# pstack /core > /tmp/pstack.out
# pmap /core > /tmp/pmap.out
# pflags /core > /tmp/pflags.out

Gather these files as well as a copy of the /var/adm/messages file and include this information in any open support case for this issue.

Enable global core dumps

If coreadm output shows that gobal core dumps are disabled, please run the following command.

# coreadm -e global

Enabling unique core file naming

If multiple core files are generated the core file will be overwritten by the last entry.  The coreadm command can be used to enable unique global core files.

To generate unique cores run:

# coreadm -g /core.%f.%p

To enable core logging run:

# coreadm -e log

This will allow unique core file names to be generated.  The next time the a core occurs it will not be overwritten.

The core file names will also be listed in the /var/adm/messages system log.

Mar 6 09:48:16 hostname genunix: [ID 603404 kern.notice] NOTICE: core_log: nbemm[27466] core dumped: /core.nbemm.27466

What is also necessary for resolving

  1. NBSU output from command utility...
    • Change directories to /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/support/ and run:
      • NB 8.1 & lower: # ./nbsu -c -t
      • NB 8.1.1 & higher: # ./nbsu
  2. From the day of the core dump, copy OS message log: /var/adm/messages
  3. To get the timestamp of the core file run: # ls -l core
  4. To find out who cored run: # file core
  5. Collect the related NetBackup log.

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