How to Debug Backup Exec - Agent & Options debug log gathering list

Artikel: 100028569
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2021-02-05
Bewertungen: 0 0
Produkt(e): Backup Exec, Desktop Laptop Option


How to debug Backup Exec (BE) using the steps and debug shortcut list below


Before a debug is done: Make sure the following has been completed.

  1. Update Backup Exec and Remote Agent(s) to the latest Version\Patches:
    1. How to get updates for Backup Exec - Service Pack, Hotfix and Device Driver updates
    2. Update the Remote Agent(s) -
  2. Run the Veritas QuickAssist (VQA) - Run this to find problems and fix all issues that relate to the problem now. Other issues that do not relate can be fixed at a later time.
  3. Search the Knowledge Base: Perform a search using the error or UMI (the "V-" number) code and check the results generated for a solution.


If performing the above steps did not help resolve the issue, proceed to debug the smallest/shortest job to reproduce the problem.
Note: It is best to run the smallest job that causes the error so that the debug logs are smaller.

There are many areas of Backup Exec. In order to obtain the needed debug logs/informaiton, use appropriate link(s) from below to debug the following types of issues/agents.


List of debug articles / Tools available for Backup Exec (per agent/option):

  1. Operating System:
    1. Windows Server (File/SystemState/ShadowCopy/DFS) -
    2. Linux / Unix (RALUS)
    3. Macintosh (RAMS) -
  2. Application/Database
    1. Enterprise Vault (EV) -
    2. Microsoft Exchange Server (EXCH) -
    3. Lotus Domino -
    4. Oracle -
    5. SharePoint (SPPS/SPS) -
    6. SQL Server (SQL) -
  3. Virtual Agents
    1. Hyper-V (MSVS) -
    2. Agent for VMware Virtual Infrastructure (AVVI)
  4. BE Server Functions and log file locations: 
    1. Command Line Power Shell (BEMCLI) - 
    2. How to enable or disable "debug logging" in Backup Exec -
    3. How to locate the Backup Exec installation log file -
    4. How to read the ADAMM.LOG file, and what various errors mean whithin the log -
  5. Options
    1. Desktop Laptop Option (DLO)  -
    2. Deduplication Option (OST or Dedup Storage) -
    3. NDMP Option -

Debug Tools:

  1. BE Debug Monitor (SGMon) Tool -
  2. Disk - Backup to Disk (B2D) - Run B2D Test -
  3. Network - Network Analysis test -


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