How to read the Hardware Compatibility List for Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows

Artikel: 100017871
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2013-08-27
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Produkt(e): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


How to read the Hardware Compatibility List for Veritas Storage Foundation and Storage Foundation HA for Windows


To ensure that a hardware configuration is supported with Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW) or Storage Foundation HA for Windows (SFW-HA), the following items should be reviewed:

1. Disk array, host bus adapter (HBA) and switch models that are being used must be listed in the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) as being supported.
2. Driver and firmware versions that are being used must be equal to, or higher, than the versions that are listed on the HCL.
3. Third-party multipathing (if present) must be the exact version version listed on the HCL.
Note: Both the disk array and the HBA model must support the driver version that is being used in order for the configuration to be considered supported.

To verify that the configuration is listed as supported by the HCL, perform the following steps:
1. From the Array Model column, locate the disk array.
2. Check each field in the row that corresponds with the disk array (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Verify that the disk array configuration is supported

DMP (Dynamic Multipathing) Mode
This is the type of Veritas DMP that is supported by this array. Possible values are:
A/P (Active/Passive) A/A (Active/Active) AP/C (Active/Passive Concurrent) No DMP Support

3rd Party Multipathing
A multipathing solution that is not written by Veritas, but is supported for this disk array.
Note: The versions that are listed in this column are the only versions that are tested and supported. Earlier, or later, versions should not be assumed to be supported. This applies only to the "3rd Party Multipathing" field. When using the supported 3rd party multipathing version, HBA drivers and firmware are considered to be supported if they are the same version, or later, than the versions listed as tested.
The next columns are used to determine the supported drivers and architecture. If an item is supported, this is indicated by a black dot for that column. If there is no black dot, the item is not supported.

FC Port Drivers
FC Port drivers do not use the Microsoft scsiport.sys or storport.sys drivers.

SCSI Miniport
SCSI Miniport drivers use the Microsoft scsiport.sys drivers and are commonly associated with SCSI-2 environments.

Storport Miniport
Storport Miniport drivers use the Microsoft storport.sys drivers and are commonly associated with SCSI-3 environments. Storport drivers are based on the Multipathing I/O (MPIO) standard.

DMP ASL (Array Support Libraries) and DMP DSM (Device Specific Modules)
There are two types of Veritas DMP:
DMP ASL (Array Support Libraries): Older multipathing solution that does not support Storport Miniport drivers. DMP DSM (Device Specific Modules): Newer multipathing drivers that are based on the MPIO standard.
The following guidelines should be followed when determining if a Veritas DMP configuration is supported:
DMP ASL + SCSI Miniport drivers = Supported
DMP ASL + FC Port (Fullport) drivers = Supported
DMP ASL + Storport Miniport drivers = Not supported
DMP DSM (MPIO) + SCSI Miniport drivers = Not Supported
DMP DSM (MPIO) + FC Port (Fullport) drivers = Not Supported
DMP DSM (MPIO) + Storport Miniport drivers = Supported
Note: Active/Active multipathing in a clustered environment is only supported with Storport Miniport drivers.

iSCSI Support
iSCSI allows the use of SCSI commands over TCP/IP networks.

64-bit Support
Indicates whether or not 64-bit architecture is supported. This includes both IA-64 and x64 architectures.

This column Includes additional requirements that are specific to this hardware item.
3. If all items related to the disk array appear to be supported, verify that the HBA and switch model and settings are also supported (Figure 2).
Under the HBA Model column, locate the row that contains the model of the HBA. Check each field in the row that corresponds with the HBA.
Figure 2 - Confirm that the HBA settings are supported

HBA Model
A list of HBAs that are supported by this version of Storage Foundation for Windows.
Note: From SFW 5.1 onwards, we have stopped listing the specific HBA models and driver/firmware versions. Basically, all Fibre Channel and iSCSI HBAs supported by Operating System and Storage Array Manufacturer's are supported unless otherwise explicitly stated.

The Driver column shows the most recent driver version that has been tested by Veritas. The version of the driver that is listed on the HCL is the minimum level supported. Driver versions that are higher than the version listed on the HCL are considered to be supported. However, they have not been tested by Veritas.

The firmware column can be interpreted in the same manner as the driver column. However, firmware is sometimes "dual-listed," meaning that two firmware versions are listed in the same field. When the firmware has been dual-listed, any version later than the earliest version listed is considered to be supported. However, only the versions listed have actually been tested by Veritas.
Note:  Veritas recommends that customers install a driver and firmware version that is support by the manufacturer of the hardware in addition to being listed on the SFW HCL. If a hardware manufacturer recommends installing a driver or firmware version that is newer than the one listed on the HCL, the newer version should be used with the understanding that it has not been specifically tested by Veritas. If Veritas Technical Support has determined through troubleshooting that a problem is being caused by the newer driver or firmware, they may request that the version be downgraded to the version that is listed on the HCL.
The next six columns are a continuation of the FC Port Drivers, SCSI Miniport, Storport Miniport, iSCSI Support, 64-Bit Support and MPIO Support columns that were found next to the disk arrays. Ensure that the items that are supported by the disk array are also supported by the HBA.
Note: Both the disk array and the HBA must support the driver and architectures that are being used.

Includes additional requirements that are specific to this HBA.
Figure 2: Verify that the HBA configuration is supported
4. Verify that both the switch model and firmware are listed (Figure 3). As with the disk array and HBA, the switch firmware listed is the minimum supported version.
Figure 3: Verify that the switch model and firmware are supported

For example, a sample configuration includes the following:
EMC Symmetrix DMX Series array Emulex LP11000 HBAs using firmware revision 2.10a7 Emulex Storport miniport driver version 1.11a3 Veritas DMP DSM (MPIO) Brocade Silkworm 48000 with a firmware version of 4.2.0b
A review of the HCL revision that is included in the screenshots shows that this configuration is not supported because Emulex driver version 1.11a3 is older than the minimum supported version of 1.20a3.
Note: If the configuration is not listed on the HCL, it may be still considered to be supported on a "best effort" basis if the configuration is supported by Microsoft and the hardware manufacturers involved. However, this applies only if multipathing is not present. If multipathing is present, the Veritas HCL must be followed.
The Microsoft HCL can be found at


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