How to use VxCBR to backup and restore the configuration of a dynamic disk group for Veritas Infoscale for Windows.

Artikel: 100017781
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2014-04-21
Bewertungen: 1 0
Produkt(e): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


How to use VxCBR to back up and restore the Diskgroup (DG) private region configuration for Veritas Infoscale on the Windows platform. 



When Infoscale creates a DG, it writes a Private Region (PR) to each of its member disks. Any new disk(s) if added to a DG also has the same PR added. This PR (a 16 MB region located on all disks of the Infoscale DG) contains information about all the virtual objects in the specific DG that the dynamic disk is a member of.

Infoscale includes a utility called VxCBR that can be used to backup and restore the PR of a DG.
NOTE: It runs once every 60 minutes, by default, creating a backup copy only if the DG configuration changes have been made. It keeps the 5 most recent backup copies of the configuration.
A) Manual Backup of DG PR configuration:

To manually backup the DG configuration using the command line interface (CLI), perform the following steps: 

NOTE: It is recommended that the DG configuration be backed up to a location other than the dynamic disks themselves and this location be included with the normal backups.

1) Ensure that the DG intended for PR backup is in the imported state. 
2) Open an elevated command prompt and run the commands below as per the intended backups.
            o  To back up the PR for all of the DG(s), use the command below:
                      vxcbr -a [-p] backup
               For example: To backup the PR configuration for all of the configured DG(s) to the C:\vxcbr directory, the command is:
                       vxcbr -a -pC:\vxcbr backup

               If the directory has a space in the name, place the directory name in double quotes :
                     vxcbr -a -p"C:\disk group configuration back up" backup

          o To back up the private region for a specific disk group , use the command below:
                     vxcbr -p <path> backup <disk group>

              For example: To backup the PR configuration for DG named diskgroup1 to the C:\vxcbr directory, the command is:
                      vxcbr -pC:\vxcbr backup diskgroup1

Note: If the path is not specified using the -p parameter, the backups will be stored at C:\ProgramData\VERITAS\VxCBR\ManualCBR\<Foldername_with_latest_datetimestamp>
B) Restore of DG PR configuration:
To restore the PR of a DG, perform the following steps:
1) Ensure the DG intended for restore is in the Deported state. 
2) Open an elevated command prompt and run the command below
        vxcbr -p <path> restore <disk group>

                 For example: To restore the PR configuration for DG named diskgroup1 from  C:\vxcbr directory, the command is
                        vxcbr  -pC:\vxcbr restore diskgroup1

                 If the directory has a space in the name, place the directory name in double quotes :
                          vxcbr -p"C:\ProgramData\VERITAS\VxCBR\ManualCBR\" restore diskgroup1

  • Do not add a space between the -p switch and the path to the folder where the backup resides.
  • When restoring the DG configuration, do not use the path name of the folder that contains the backup files; use the parent directory that has the folder with the name of the DG in it.
3) Perform a rescan for Veritas Enterprise Administrator (VEA) using the command : vxassist rescan
4) Ensure to Import the DG that is restored using the above steps




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