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How to determine the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) port status on the remote Linux (Redhat) system in Backup Exec Windows Servers.
Artikel: 100017676
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2018-05-22
Bewertungen: 0 1
Produkt(e): Backup Exec
How to determine the Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) port status on the remote Linux (Redhat) system in Backup Exec 11.x for Windows Servers and above.
With the introduction of Remote Agent for Linux & UNIX Servers (RALUS) , Backup Exec now uses well known NDMP port 10000 for UNIX\Linux backup and restore operations. There are times when this port is busy or in use by another process, in such cases its important to find out if the port 10000 is really in use.
To find out we must connect to the remote Linux system and run certain commands, there are number of ways by which one can connect to Linux server and some of them are:
To find out we must connect to the remote Linux system and run certain commands, there are number of ways by which one can connect to Linux server and some of them are:
- Telnet
- Third party softwares.
- Local login.
Perhaps, telnet is the best possible way to connect if the "Local login" is not the option.
Follow the steps given below to determine the ports status:
1. Go to Start | Run and type "cmd" to open the command prompt.
2. In the Command Prompt window type "telnet" to start the telnet session as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1:
3. Once connected to telnet session, Type the following command as shown in Figure 2.
open servername
Figure 2:
4. Once connected to Linux system type the Username and Password to get access as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3:
5. Type nmap -sT -O localhost as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4:
As we can see in the Figure above NDMP port 10000 is in use but we are not sure which process/service is using this port, to determine this we need to run another command as shown in step 5.
5. Type netstat -anp | grep 10000 as shown in Figure 4.
netstat -anp | grep 10000
Figure 4:
As shown in the Figure above, Port 10000 is used by the process called "beremote" nothing but RALUS, in case the port is used by different process we must either free the port or change the NDMP port to another number so that Backup Exec can communicate with the new available port. For details on changing the NDMP port please refer to the Related Documents section.