No new items are added to one or more index volumes on an EV server. Other index volumes on the same server are unaffected. A Dtrace of EVIndexVolumesProcessor shows that the index volume is in a [Throttling] state.
Error Message
A Dtrace of EVIndexVolumesProcessor shows:
EV-L {VELOCITYPROXY.EN_US} Collection [1DB42B0E441E8FD4CB76B8639D2ABDEB7_10] exists.
EV-L {IndexingWCFProxy`1} Calling CollectionBrokerCrawlerOfflineStatus
EV-L {IndexingWCFProxy`1} TraceTimer [181ms] Called SearchCollectionReadOnly
EV-L {VELOCITYINDEXINGENGINE.EN_US} No readonly files in collection live folder, so no action required.
EV-M {VELOCITYINDEXINGENGINE.EN_US} Index volume [1DB42B0E441E8FD4CB76B8639D2ABDEB7_10] is not ready for processing
EV-L {SYNCHRONISATIONWORKITEM.EN_US} Cannot start processing as the Indexing Engine is not ready. The work item will be requeued.
EV-L {SYNCHRONISATIONWORKITEM.EN_US} Signalling work item [1DB42B0E441E8FD4CB76B8639D2ABDEB7_10] to stop.
EV-L {ACTIVEINDEXVOLUMEAGENTLIST.EN_US} Index volume agent [ Index volume Agent For:
Work Item 1DB42B0E441E8FD4CB76B8639D2ABDEB7_10] has reached a check point with a reason [Throttling].
Querying the Offline Queue via the Velocity API URL command below shows a non-zero value for the Offline Queue that never changes.
The Collection value in the command can be determined by running the query:
Use EnterpriseVaultDirectory
Select FolderName from IndexVolumeView
Where VaultEntryId = [The Archive ID listed in the Advanced tab of the archive's properties]
Replace the folder in bold with the value returned from the above query in the Velocity API Command:
For versions prior to 12.4:
For EV 12.4 and later:
An index volume without the issue would return a 0 value. Anything other than 0 would indicate an issue with the volume.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<crawler-offline-status n-offline-queue="0"/>
The Velocity Indexing Engine maintains an offline queue of items awaiting indexing. Items are added to this queue when the Indexing Engine is too busy to accept new items for indexing. For example, this may happen if the server has insufficient system resources to load an index volume for processing. In this case the items are added to the offline queue for this volume and are processed when the volume is next successfully loaded.
This problem occurs when two settings that govern this offline queue functionality are not in sync with each other. The offline items are never processed, and because Enterprise Vault will not push new items to the Index Engine until all the offline queue items have been processed this means that no new items are indexed for the affected index volumes.
As a workaround to this issue, the index volume can be rebuilt. Prior to performing the rebuild of the volume, set it Offline in the Vault Administration Console so that the index volume is unloaded prior to the Rebuild Task starting.