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Artikel: 100016310
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2021-04-19
Bewertungen: 4 1
Produkt(e): Backup Exec
How to add or edit a Backup Exec logon account.
When you edit a Backup Exec (tm) logon account, the changes will automatically be applied to all the resources that use the Backup Exec logon account. Changes made to a Backup Exec logon account are applied immediately, you do not have to restart your system for the changes to take effect. You can edit the following properties for a Backup Exec logon account:
1. Type (restricted or common)
2. Description
3. Password
4. User name
5. Notes
Description: Enter the unique name for the Backup Exec logon account. The user name is automatically added if you do not enter information into the field.
Notes: Enter any comments to describe how the Backup Exec logon account will be used.
This is a restricted logon account
1. Type (restricted or common)
2. Description
3. Password
4. User name
5. Notes
Description: Enter the unique name for the Backup Exec logon account. The user name is automatically added if you do not enter information into the field.
Notes: Enter any comments to describe how the Backup Exec logon account will be used.
This is a restricted logon account
Select this check box to enable the Backup Exec logon account to be used only by the owner of the logon account and those who know the password. The principal reason one would restrict the logon account is to prevent other users from editing the jobs that belong to that account. If the owner of a logon account has created a job in Backup Exec, then other users who know the password of that logon account can edit that backup job; otherwise other users are not allowed to edit the jobs created by some other restricted logon account.
If this is not selected, the Backup Exec logon account will be a common account. Common accounts are shared accounts that can be accessed by all users.
This is my default logon account
Select this check box to make this your default Backup Exec logon account used to browse, make selections, or restore data on your local and remote resources.
To add or edit a Backup Exec logon account, perform the following steps:
1. Launch Manage Logon Accounts as below.
Figure 1
2. Select Add to add new account:
This is my default logon account
Select this check box to make this your default Backup Exec logon account used to browse, make selections, or restore data on your local and remote resources.
To add or edit a Backup Exec logon account, perform the following steps:
1. Launch Manage Logon Accounts as below.
Figure 1

2. Select Add to add new account:

Select the Backup Exec logon account you want to change, and then click
Edit. If you are not logged on to Backup Exec with the same user name as the Backup Exec logon account owner, you must provide the password before you can edit the account. If you have changed the account password in Active Directory, you would required to enter the old password in the
Enter Password dialogue box.
Figure 2
3. Modify the Backup Exec logon account properties as needed
4. To change the password for the Backup Exec logon account:
Figure 2

3. Modify the Backup Exec logon account properties as needed
4. To change the password for the Backup Exec logon account:
a. Click
Change password. If you are using the Backup Exec Web Administration Console, select
Check here to change the password for this account.
Figure 3

Figure 4

b. In the
Password field, type a new password
c. In the
Confirm field, re-type the password
d. Click
5. Click OK