Backup Exec encounters an error establishing a trust with the Remote Agent and fails to setup an SSL connection

Artikel: 100005413
Zuletzt veröffentlicht: 2014-07-14
Bewertungen: 0 5
Produkt(e): Backup Exec


While attempting to expand a server for selection or after job failure, an error stating that Backup Exec cannot establish a trust relationship with the Backup Exec Remote Agent occurs. 


Error Message

0xe0009b90 / V-79-57344-39824 - Backup Exec cannot establish a trust relationship with the remote agent because an SSL connection cannot be set up.  You can attempt to resolve this issue by re-establishing the trust relationship between the media server and the remote agent.


 0xe0009b8a /  V-79-57344-39818 - Backup Exec cannot establish a trust relationship with the remote agent because the root security certificate is not valid.  You can attempt to resolve this issue by re-establishing the trust relationship between the media server and the remote agent.


Backup Exec introduces encrypted communications to the Remote Agent.  This error can be received if the communication encryption certificate that is currently loaded into the Remote Agent for Windows Servers (RAWS) is incorrect.



1. Open the Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility on the remote machine by going to START > ALL PROGRAMS > Veritas BACKUP EXEC.

2. On the PUBLISHING tab, click Change Settings.

3. On the SECURITY tab, select the loaded certificate, and click remove. Now when an attempt to enumerate (Browse the selections or attempt a backup) the server is made, it should prompt that it is currently untrusted and offer to install a certificate.


Uninstall the Remote Agent for Windows from the remote server and push install the remote agent .




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