Configure instant access fails for a file stream-enabled database.

Article: 100048546
Last Published: 2020-10-07
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


When you attempt to configure instant access of a file stream-enabled SQL Server database in the NetBackup web UI with the mount, restore, or attach options, the job fails with the message “Failed to create the instant access mount.(4001)”.

This issue applies to:

  • All SQL Server supported versions
  • NetBackup 8.3 and later

Error Message

From the NetBackup job details:
Aug 20, 2020 11:33:12 AM - Info NBWMC (pid=14664) Creating instant access share for Microsoft SQL Server.
Aug 20, 2020 11:33:12 AM - Info NBWMC (pid=14664) Storage server <>.
Aug 20, 2020 11:33:12 AM - Info NBWMC (pid=14664) The full backup image identifier < sql.server.com_1597940841>.
Aug 20, 2020 11:33:12 AM - Info NBWMC (pid=14664) Target server <>.
Aug 20, 2020 11:33:12 AM - Info NBWMC (pid=14664) The Storage Platform Web Service (SPWS) mount ID f5c16cf4-ff11-4c74-8efb-38d73fdf521b.
Failed to create the instant access mount.(4001)


You received the above error message because NetBackup does not support configure instant access of file stream-enabled databases. Microsoft requires that the file stream files and filegroups are restored to a local file system location. The file stream files and filegroups cannot reside on a remote server or a network addressable storage (NAS) devices unless the NAS device is presented as a local NFS volume via iSCSI.



  1. Configure instant access for the entire virtual machine. See the section Create an instant access VM on page 33 of NetBackup™ Web UI VMware Administrator's Guide.
  2. Restore the file stream-enabled database from snapshot backups, without instant access. See the section Perform a complete database recovery on page 39 of NetBackup™ Web UI Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide. Make sure the file stream files and filegroups are restored to the local file system.


NetBackup™ for Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide:

NetBackup™ Web UI Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Guide:

NetBackup™ Web UI VMware Administrator's Guide:

 ET: 4012120 



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