How to provide NetBackup support for Windows Server Semi-Annual Channel

Article: 100041472
Last Published: 2020-10-26
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection

Support for Windows Server Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) starts with NetBackup 8.0

This support is offered with limited functionality and may not support all the combinations as supported with the Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) product like Windows Server 2016.

Please refer NetBackup Software Compatibility List for supported feature list:

Known limitations are listed below.

Microsoft SAC Build NetBackup Version NetBackup Feature Limitations
Windows Server, version 1709 8.0 Hyper-V

Restore using WMI method are not supported to default location. "C/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V/Virtual Machines/"

Workaround is to restore VM to alternate location.

Windows Server, version 1803 8.1.1 Hyper-V

Restore using WMI method are not supported to default location. "C/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V/Virtual Machines/"

Workaround is to restore VM to alternate location.

Windows Server, version 1809 8.1.2 Hyper-V

Restore using WMI method are not supported to default location. "C/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V/Virtual Machines/"

Workaround is to restore VM to alternate location.

Windows Server, version 1809 8.2 Hyper-V

Restore using WMI method are not supported to default location. "C/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V/Virtual Machines/"

Workaround is to restore VM to alternate location.

Windows Server, version 1809 8.3 Hyper-V

Restore using WMI method are not supported to default location. "C/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V/Virtual Machines/"

Workaround is to restore VM to alternate location.


Limitations applies for all NetBackup versions on Windows Server 2019.

For more information refer Microsoft documentation:


Etrack : 3998627

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