How to enable supported storage solutions in Enterprise Vault 15.0 that are not visible in the Enterprise Vault Admin Console
New storage solutions and updates to existing supported storage solutions are self-certified by our storage partners and added to Enterprise Vault on a continuous basis. Sometimes these storage solutions are self-certified and supported before the next release of Enterprise Vault is available. This means that there is no entry for the storage solution in the Enterprise Vault Admin Console when you configure a vault store partition.
This article provides an updated configuration file and instructions on how to apply it to existing Enterprise Vault 15.0 servers to enable SUPPORTED storage solutions (as per the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts) before they appear in the next release of Enterprise Vault.
The procedure in this article should only be followed when the storage you are implementing is listed in the Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts and it is directing you to this article to add your storage solution to the Enterprise Vault Admin Console.
Perform the following steps on the Enterprise Vault Server:
- Confirm that the storage solution you want to use is supported per the EV Compatibility Charts and it is directing you to this article to add your storage solution to the Enterprise Vault Admin Console. If this is not the case then do not proceed any further.
- Open Windows Explorer, and then navigate to <Program Files (x86)>\Enterprise Vault\InitialConfigurationData\en\Policies.
- Make a copy of EVExtendedSettings.xml.
- Replace EVExtendedSettings.xml with the version attached to this article. Click on Download Attachments.
Note - Rename EVExtendedSettings.txt to EVExtendedSettings.xml. - Repeat the above steps to replace EVExtendedSettings.xml on all the Enterprise Vault Servers including Standalone and Cluster nodes.
- Update the registry value: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Admin] "PopulateExtendedSettingTypes"="1".
- Close and then relaunch the VAC.
- Navigate to Policies > Exchange.
- Right-click Exchange, and then click Populate Setting Types:

- Restart the storage service on all Enterprise Vault storage servers that will be using the desired storage solution.
Note: Once the services start, the desired storage solution is displayed as a storage type when configuring a partition. This process applies to supported primary and secondary storage solutions. - Select the desired storage solution and proceed with the configuration.
For Primary StoragePrimary storage: Enterprise Vault archives data directly to the storage system vault store partition. Enterprise Vault supports WORM as well as Non-WORM storage devices. Veritas supports archiving from Enterprise Vault to the following high-performing disk storages & cloud storage:
For Secondary Storage as MigratorSecondary storage: Enterprise Vault migrates collection files from an NTFS or network share or any Non-WORM supported primary storage vault store partition to a secondary storage location. Veritas Enterprise Vault does support cloud storage (direct or via cloud storage gateways) as a secondary storage location to store data. EV supports only Non-WORM devices as secondary storage.