Storaged log reports 25017: FileCopyA: could not open destination file D:\Dedupe\data/journal/delstat_0.log

Article: 100032504
Last Published: 2016-05-25
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


Storaged log reports 25017: FileCopyA: could not open destination file D:\Dedupe\data/journal/delstat_0.log

Error Message

January 15 16:05:55 ERR [000000002B7BDAC0]: 25017: FileCopyA: could not open destination file D:\Dedupe\data/journal/delstat_0.log
January 15 16:05:55 ERR [000000002B7BDAC0]: 25017: FileMoveA: copy failed


delstat.log is used to save the compaction information, it does not affect compaction results and any other functions. The error is seen if this file becomes inaccessible. This error should not cause Deduplication Storage Folder to go offline unless there are other Issues.


  1. Stop all Backup Exec and Deduplication Services using the ServicesMgr.exe located at default path
C:\Program Files\veritas\Backup Exec
  1. Locate delstat_0.log. It is located in Deduplication Storage Folder\Data\Journal
  2. Delete or move delstat_0.log to another location
  3. Start Backup Exec and Deduplication Services using the ServicesMgr.exe

Note: Backup Exec Deduplication Engine Service may take time to start as it loads fingerprints from crdb into the memory. The amount of memory consumed by spoold.exe is high and depends on the occupied space within Deduplication Storage Folder.

If there are other Issues with the Deduplication Storage, please review the Deduplication Storage Troubleshooting Article. If it still does not help please contact Technical Support.

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