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Article: 100032128
Last Published: 2018-05-09
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec
Duplicate Backup Job of Backup Sets which show up with an exclamation mark fail.Error Message
Job Log reports :Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0000904 - An error occurred while retrieving catalog information.
Final error category: Backup Media Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-2308
The Backup set catalogs were truncated according to the catalog truncate setting in BE Configuration and Settings and hence for these sets only, the top level information was available. That is why the backup sets just showed the date and time of the backup but not the file and folder details.Figure 1 : Duplicate Backup Job of these Backup sets fail with catalog error.
Figure 2 : Global Settings for Truncate Catalogs.
For a Backup Set, there are 2 files which help to show the details of that set on the User Interface (XML and FH ). XML shows the top level details like the resource name and backup date and time, whereas the FH file is responsible to show the file folder details.
In this scenario where Duplicate Backup fail, the catalog file was truncated as per the global settings (that's why the exclaimation mark on the set) and when that happens only the catalog XML file remains in the catalog folder. The FH file which is larger and contains the details about file and history is deleted as per the truncation settings.
1) Enable ShowHiddenMedia from the registry as per article 000016049
2) Go to Backup Set details and note the Media used for that Backup.
3) Go to Backup Exec Storage details, Media section and locate the Media. Right Click on the Media and catalog it.
Note : Refer figure 2 in the cause section and ensure Use Storage-Based Catalogs is selected before catalog job is run for that media.
4) When Catalog completes, Duplicate Job can be rerun and it should complete successfully.
UMI : V-79-57344-2308