How to configure an EMC Celerra device

Article: 100029338
Last Published: 2015-07-06
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


The Placeholder Service for Celerra devices runs on the EV server; it cannot be installed on file server (Celerra). EV Manuals up-to and including EV 2007 refer to entering the Domain Name System (DNS) name of the Celerra device when configuring the Celerra which is incorrect.  These should read "Enter DataMover name". 


An EMC Celerra is made up of the following components.

   * Data Movers of which there can be 2 to 15 (14 in total).  These provide network connectivity, storage connectivity and run the Data Access in Real Time (DART) operating system for high performance. Data Movers contain the defined file systems and therefore when account privileges are applied to data movers they are automatically applied to the defined file systems. The data movers will be named server_x.
   * Service workstation (Celerra Control Station) of which there can be two, are used for Administration capabilities.
   * The Data Movers will then connect to either Symmetrix or Clariion Storage.

These procedures are found in the Setting_up_File_System_Archiving.pdf file.

1. Log on to the Celerra Control Station or through utilities such as "putty" if enabled. The account used must have sufficient privileges to execute the following commands. Please reference EMC documentation for details.

2. Add a Celerra account for EV to use for authentication on the Celerra device. The syntax is as follows:

server_user <server_x> -add -md5 -passwd <DataMover_user_name>

<server_x> is the name of the Data Mover
<DataMover_user_name> is the name of the Celerra account  that EV needs to use for authentication. This user is a Data Mover user, not a domain user. A prompt for a User ID and Group ID may also occur.  A suitable number is 1000 for both, unless this is in use elsewhere. The number must be unique and does not need to have root privileges.   If  prompted for a Home Directory just press Enter to continue and leave entry blank.

Adding file servers

3. Enable the file system for Celerra FileMover using this command syntax:

fs_dhsm -modify <fs_name> -state enabled

<fs_name> is the name of the file system on the Celerra. File system and Internet Protocol (IP) address are not directly linked. An IP address is associated with a Common Internet File System (CIFS) server. There can be more than one CIFS server mounted on a file system and a corresponding DNS record should exist for the IP address of the CIFS server being used.  A useful command to discover what File Servers exist is fs_dhsm -list which will show all the file servers names and their Unique ID.

4.  Configure the HTTP server on the Data Mover to accept Celerra FileMover API connections using this command syntax:

server_http <server_x> -append dhsm -users <DataMover_user_name> -hosts <ip_address_policy_engine>

<server_x> is the name of the Data Mover
<DataMover_user_name> is the name of the Data Mover account that EV will use for authentication.
<ip_address_policy_engine> is the IP address of the computer that runs the FSA task that will process the Celerra device i.e. the EV Server.

This command will also test the connectivity between the Celerra and the EV server over HTTP.

Then run the following command:

server_http <server_x> -service DHSM -start

This will ensure the connection is active.

5.  Configure the HTTP connection to use for recall requests, using this command syntax:

fs_dhsm -connection <fs_name> -create -type http -secondary <ev_url> -user <user> -password <user_password> -cgi n

<fs_name> is the name of the Celerra file system.

<ev_url> is the URL of the Web Access application.

Note: The Celerra is case-sensitive, so this URL must use the correct case. If this is incorrect, data will not be reverted to placeholders and the error "NO_MATCHING_CONNECTION" will appear in the FSA Reports.  To ensure this is correct open the EV Directory database in SQL and the SiteEntry table.  This will contain the correct URL (only if single Enterprise Vault Server is in use) in the correct case that is required for the EV_URL. In the ComputerEntry table locate ComputerName which forms the hostname portion of the URL.  For example, if the ComputerName field reads EVServer.EVLab.Local then the proper URL will be https://EVServer.EVLab.Local/EnterpriseVault.
If after modifying the URL,  placeholders are not being created and the error  "NO_MATCHING_CONNECTION" is still shown in the FSA reports, an HTTP traffic inspector like fiddler ( Fiddler Classic ) can be used to analyze the HTTP communication between the EV server and Celerra while archiving, for finding out what is the secondary HTTP URL that EV specifies when trying to create the placeholders.
See below an example of the HTTP message sent during FSA archiving against a Celerra that failed to create one file placeholder with the error "NO_MATCHING_CONNECTION" .
The important parameter to notice is: OFFLINE_PATH.

POST https://kcecifs3:5080/dhsm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Digest username="evadmin",realm="DHSM_Authorization",nonce="1330597612",uri="/dhsm", algorithm="MD5",cnonce="7144d67fb4ecefd17fd77082a9cef1c1",nc=00000001,qop="auth",response="948745781710b595bb272d4916ba750e",opaque="89ea1aaa7a18a5232f2ab78178dfe466"
Content-Type: text/xml
Host: kcecifs3:5080
Content-Length: 440
Expect: 100-continue
<?dhsm?> <DHSM_SET_OFFLINE_ATTRS HANDLE="4294967316-2320162-1332383868" OFFLINE_PATH="https://evserver01/EnterpriseVault/download.asp? VaultID=16CBE213816C9224E846652A5B63397D41110000ESEVSITE1&amp;SavesetId=XX &amp;Request=NativeItem" ONLINE_CTIME="1330596434000000" OFFLINE_MTIME="1330593180" INFO="ver=EVPHCel_v3.0;rcid=12F9002621C562E4F9B020EC8A6DF72EA1b10000ESEVSITE1"/>
The first part of the OFFLINE_PATH indicates what should be the secondary HTTP connection defined in the Celerra, in this case: https://evserver01/EnterpriseVault/
In this case, the problem should be solved by deleting the old connection and creating a new one specifying the correct secondary URL:
fs_dhsm -connection <fs_name> -create -type http -secondary https://evserver01/EnterpriseVault/ -user <user> -password <user_password> -cgi n
<user> is the Vault Service Account (VSA) that will have access to all archives from which files will be restored. This is typically entered as domain/user rather than the typical Windows form domain\user.

<user_password> is the password for the VSA.

Note:  To modify the URL of the Web Access application so that it matches what is listed in the EV Directory database SiteEntry table, the following command can be used:

fs_dhsm -connection <fs_name> -modify <cid> -secondary \\new\urlpath

Note: A TCP port number cannot be included in the URL that is specified with the -secondary parameter. For example, the command for using a non-default port such as port 85 for the Web Access application will not work:

-secondary <https://evserver.demo.local:85/EnterpriseVault>

If you attempt to do this, the fs_dhsm -connection command fails with a message similar to the following, and the archiving and recall of files on the Celerra will fail:

Error: The host name in the secondary url evserver.demo.local:85 is either missing or formatted incorrectly.

The following can be used if a non-default port has been configured. 

a. Create an IIS web site that uses the default TCP port, port 80.

b. Create a virtual directory named EnterpriseVault in the new web site, and set a redirection URL for this virtual directory to the original EnterpriseVault virtual directory on the non-default port.

c. Configure the Web Access application to use default TCP port 80 on the General tab of the EV Site properties.

d. Use the -httpPort parameter with the fs_dhsm -connection command to specify the non-default port, as follows:
fs_dhsm -connection <ufs_name> -create -type http -secondary <ev_url> -user <user> -password <user_password> -cgi n -httpPort <port_number>

For example:
fs_dhsm -connection fsa_fs -create -type http -secondary https://EVServer.demo.local/EnterpriseVault -user vaultadmin@demo.local -password p4ssw0rd -cgi n -httpPort 85

To ensure the proper ev_url is specified, run the following on the Celerra device:

fs_dhsm -connection <file system name> -info

This should match the HTTP connection made from the vault server in question (an application like Fiddler can capture this communication).

OFFLINE_PATH= https://<server.fqdn>/EnterpriseVault/........

Note: Multiple connections can be created on the Celerra device for the same EV server

6. When adding the FSA Server through the Vault Administration Console (VAC) and specifying the share, note that this must point to the root directory, not a specific folder, otherwise logging will fail. This is a restriction imposed by the Celerra device.  Verify that the target Celerra share is a root directory by ensuring the target contains an etc folder and the dhsm.log.

1. To pipe out the log file from the Celerra device from the Managed Workstation use the following command which can provide detailed information on what is failing on the Celerra device if errors are received.  

server_log server_x -a -s>logfilename.log

<server_x> is the name of the relevant Data Mover

2. To display the log file through the command window type

server_log server_x

<server_x> is the name of the Data Mover

3. Applications like Fiddler can also be used to trap HTTP traffic to and from the Celerra device which can help identify issues.

4. To verify communications from the Celerra device to the EV server in question the following can be used:

telnet evserver/sitealias 80
server_ping Evserver
Use lynx (a text browser that comes installed by default in Celerra)to verify the secondary http URL can be reached from the Celerra device.
Example of use:
On the Celerra command prompt type lynx https://secondaryurl
Where secondaryurl is the URL specified in the  -secondary parameter during the execution of the
fs_dhsm -connection command to configure the HTTP connection to use for recall requests.

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