One or more Enterprise Vault (EV) database(s) contain Unmatched Default SQL Collation

Article: 100023860
Last Published: 2020-02-25
Ratings: 1 1
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Enterprise Vault depends on having a uniform SQL collation across the Master and all of the Enterprise Vault databases.In addition, all the columns within tables in a database will also have a collation (Column Collation) which  have to be uniform and match that of the Database too.

An inconsistent SQL Collation will affect both upgrades as well as certain daily operations depending on where the mismatch occurs.


Error Message

The Veritas Quick Assist or the Deployment Scanner performed prior to an Upgrade will detect Collation Mismatch Issues. If detected the Collation Issue has to be addressed prior to performing any upgrade



A collation mismatch could have occurred  if there was a change of the SQL server (possibly due to a disaster recovery or migration to a different server) and a different collation was used on the new SQL Server. If there is a collation mismatch and an upgrade of Enterprise Vault (EV) is performed, the upgrade is very likely to fail, but if not, new columns are added to certain tables as part of the upgrade, which will inherit the new server Default collation, resulting in a mix of collations.



Identifying the level of mismatch

The method used to make the Collation uniform  varies depending on the level of the mismatch, categorized in 2 levels:

  1. Database Only Level mismatch (or simple mismatch)
    The EV  Database collation does not match the Master Collation.
    All the columns within the database match the collation of the EV database under analysis

  2. Database and Columns Level  mismatch (or complex mismatch)
    The EV Database collation does not match the Master Collation and\or  columns within the tables of the EV database has a different collation to that of the EV database under analysis


To identify the level of mismatch, run the following 2 SQL Queries (both queries have to be run).
If a mismatch is identified using only  the first query, then this is a Database Only Level Mismatch (or simple mismatch).
If the Second Query returns any result, then there is a Database and Columns Level mismatch (or complex mismatch)


The first check is to confirm if the Database Collation of the Enterprise Vault databases match that of the Master database. To do so, run the following SQL query.

USE master
       Name AS DatabaseName, collation_name,
       CASE WHEN DATABASEPROPERTYEX('master', 'Collation') <> collation_name THEN 'Collation Does not Match Master Collation' ELSE ' ' END AS Collation_Mismatch
FROM sys.databases


In this example the Collation for the EVVSVaultStore_1 and EVVSVaultStore_2 databases does not match the collation of the Master Database as shown in the screenshot below


The second check has to be done per EV Database and is to check the Column Collation.

Run the following SQL query against each Enterprise Vault Database. If the query returns any records, there is a collation mismatch between the columns and the database itself:

      collation, tablename, as columnname,
      JOIN syscolumns on = and sysobjects.xtype = 'U'
      collation != convert(sysname,DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), 'Collation'))



The method used to address the Collation Mismatch varies depending on several factors

  • Whether the master database is using a Supported Collation
  • The level of the Collation Mismatch.
  • The number of Enterprise vault Databases with a mismatch collation
  • Whether the SQL Server host other third-party databases


As a guidance, please review the following scenarios:

  1. Database Only Level Mismatch
    For example, if all the EV Databases have the same collation but the master is different, the SQL Server can be rebuild with the right Collation or the databases restored to a SQL server with the right collation.  

    This kind of intervention is usually the responsibility of the SQL Database Administrator (DBA) and to ensure whether any other third-party Databases which may be hosted on the same SQL server will not e impacted by this change.

    If this is not an option (for example because there are other databases on the SQL Server ) and the master database is using a collation supported by EV, the alternative is to change the collation of the EV database(s) to ensure they match the master collation.

  2. Database and Columns Level Mismatch
    A database with this level of mismatch will require the collation of the database to be changed to ensure it is uniform. It also has to be ensure that the collation being changed to matches the master database and is supported by EV


Changing the Collation of an EV Database is an intensive process which can take several hours to complete depending on the size of the database. This step requires all schema-bound objects dependencies to be dropped and recreated after the change (such as all  keys, constraints, indexes, computed columns)

Please contact Veritas Support Services to assist with this type of collation change.


Supported Collations

When selecting a Collation Name it not only has to meet the business needs  (such as whether it is Accent Sensitive) but also meet certain criteria to be supported by Enterprise vault:

  • The collation has to be Case Insensitive ( CI Flag )  such as SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
  • Enterprise Vault does not support certain double-byte supplementary characters in the U+10000 to U+10FFFF unicode range and does not support SQL collations that include the supplementary character (SC) flag. Please refer to the following MS Article


Note: For more information, please see the Enterprise Vault Compatibility list located in our Documentation Repository. 

Applies To

This issue can occur when moving EV databases from one SQL Server to another, either during EV upgrade or as a standalone operation.



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