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Supported upgrade paths for Enterprise Vault, Compliance Accelerator / Veritas Advanced Surveillance and Discovery Accelerator
Article: 100023744
Last Published: 2024-12-24
Ratings: 19 3
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
Supported upgrade paths for Enterprise Vault (EV), Compliance Accelerator (CA) / Veritas Advanced Surveillance (VAS), and Discovery Accelerator (DA).
For new features or fixes to be obtained for EV, CA/VAS or DA, upgrades to the applicable Base and Update Maintenance Release version must be completed. The order in which the products are upgraded can affect the functionality and supportability of the products.



Important EV Notes:
- The information below is for the Base and Update Maintenance Release versions of EV.
- Upgrading to an Update Maintenance Release requires first upgrading to the appropriate Base Release, including all EV databases, prior to upgrading to the Update Maintenance Release version. For example, to upgrade from EV 14.0.1 to EV 14.2.1, you must first upgrade to EV 14.2.0, upgrade the databases and then upgrade to EV 14.2.1 and upgrade the databases again.
- The version of CA/VAS or DA must be greater than or equal to the installed version of EV. For example, if EV 14.0 is installed, CA/VAS and/or DA must also be at 14.0, or greater, release. The exception to this rule is when CA/VAS or DA is to be upgraded to 14.3 or later, EV must first be upgraded to 14.3 or later to allow for use of the proximity operators of NEAR, BEFORE and NOT WITHIN as part of search criteria (see the exception below).
- When upgrading EV in an environment with CA/VAS and / or DA, the documented and recommended product upgrade sequence is as follows, with the exception as noted below:
- DA
- EV on all EV servers
- EV binaries or EV-API on the DA server(s) when DA is installed on stand-alone servers
- EV binaries or EV-API on the CA/VAS server(s) when CA/VAS is installed on stand-alone servers
- Exception: As new Search operators were introduced in CA/VAS and DA 14.3 and newer, when upgrading EV from a 14.2 or earlier environment with CA/VAS and / or DA to a 14.3 or newer version, the required product upgrade sequence is:
- EV on all EV servers
- EV binaries or EV-API on the DA server(s) when DA is installed on stand-alone server(s)
- DA
- EV binaries or EV-API on the CA/VAS server(s) when CA is installed on stand-alone servers
- CA



Important CA/VAS Notes:
- The information below is for the Base and Update Maintenance Release versions of CA/VAS.
- Upgrading to an Update Maintenance Release requires first upgrading to the appropriate Base Release, including all CA/VAS databases, prior to upgrading to the Update Maintenance Release version. For example, to upgrade from CA/VAS 14.0.1 to CA/VAS 14.2.1, you must first upgrade to CA/VAS 14.2.0, upgrade the databases and then upgrade to CA/VAS 14.2.1 and upgrade the databases again.
- When upgrading from CA/VAS 14.5.1 to 14.5.2, there are no database schema changes. As such, there is no database upgrade required for the Configuration or Customer databases. It is required to upgrade the Clients from 14.5.1 to 14.5.2.
- When upgrading from CA/VAS 15.0.1 to 15.0.2, there are no database schema changes. As such, there is no database upgrade required for the Configuration or Customer databases.
- Enterprise Vault cannot be at a higher version than CA/VAS except during an upgrade from 14.2 or older to 14.3 or greater. For example, CA 12.0.0 is not supported in an EV 14.0 installation. The only exception to this rule is when upgrading CA/VAS to 14.3 or later wherein EV must first be upgraded to 14.3 or later to allow for the new proximity operators of NEAR, BEFORE and NOT WITHIN to be usable. For example, when upgrading from EV and CA 12.0.0 to EV and CA/VAS 14.3, EV must first be upgraded to 14.3 before CA can be upgraded to 14.3.
- CA/VAS 14.0 must have the full EV binaries or EV Runtime API version 12.0.0 or greater or 14.0 installed on the CA /VASserver.
- Update Maintenance Releases must first have the Base release installed and databases upgraded. For example, to upgrade from CA 12.5.0 to CA 14.2.1 / VAS 3.2, you must first upgrade to CA 14.2.0 / VAS 3.2, upgrade the databases and then upgrade to CA 14.2.1 / VAS 3.2 and upgrade the databases again.


Important DA Notes:
- The information below is for the Base and Update Maintenance Release versions of DC.
- Upgrading to an Update Maintenance Release requires first upgrading to the appropriate Base Release, including all DA databases, prior to upgrading to the Update Maintenance Release version. For example, to upgrade from DA 14.0.1 to DA 14.2.1, you must first upgrade to DA 14.2.0, upgrade the databases and then upgrade to DA 14.2.1 and upgrade the databases again.
- When upgrading from DA 14.5.1 to 14.5.2, there are no database schema changes. As such, there is no database upgrade required for the Configuration, Customer or Custodian Manager databases. It is required to upgrade the Clients from 14.5.1 to 14.5.2.
- When upgrading from DA 15.0.1 to 15.0.2, there are no database schema changes. As such, there is no database upgrade required for the Configuration, Customer or Custodian Manager databases. It is required to upgrade the Clients from 15.0.1 to 15.0.2.
- Enterprise Vault cannot be at a higher version than DA except during an upgrade from 14.2 or older to 14.3 or greater. For example, DA 12.0.0 is not supported in an EV 14.0 installation. The only exception to this rule is when upgrading DA to 14.3 or later wherein EV must first be upgraded to 14.3 or later to allow for the new proximity operators of NEAR, BEFORE and NOT WITHIN to be usable. For example, when upgrading from EV and DA 12.0.0 to EV and DA 14.3, EV must first be upgraded to 14.3 before DA can be upgraded to 14.3.
- DA 14.0 must have the full EV binaries or EV Runtime API version 12.0.0 or greater or 14.0 installed on the DA server.
- Update Maintenance Releases must first have the Base release installed and databases upgraded. For example, to upgrade from DA 14.4.0 to DA 14.2.1, you must first upgrade to DA 14.2.0, upgrade the databases and then upgrade to DA 14.2.1 and upgrade the databases again.