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Attempting to enable Analytics for a Case in EV DA fails with error "File 'E:\SQLData\AnalyticsCaseFile_Case_1.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation."
Article: 100022235
Last Published: 2021-06-15
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
Attempting to enable Analytics for a Case in Enterprise Vault (EV) Discovery Accelerator (DA) fails with error "File 'X:\SQLData\AnalyticsCaseFile_Case_1.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation."
Error Message
For any locally hosted DA customer database, the following error is similar to what can be thrown when attempting to re-enable Analytics on a case:File 'X:\SQLData\AnalyticsCaseFile_Case_1.ndf' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation.File 'AnalyticsCaseFile_Case_1' cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation.
For any SQL Always-On Availability Group hosted DA customer database that is moved to a locally hosted resource, the following error is similar to what can be thrown when attempting to re-enable Analytics on a case:
File 'AnalyticsCaseFile_<CustomerName>_<CASEID>' cannot be reused until afterthe next BACKUP LOG operation. If the database is participating in anavailability group, a dropped file can be reused only after the truncation LSNof the primary availability replica has passed the drop LSN of the file and asubsequent BACKUP LOG operation has completed.
Enterprise Vault (EV) Discovery Accelerator (DA) version 8.0 introduced the Analytics feature that allows additional work to be automated against accepted search results. When Analytics is enabled for a DA Case, a database '.ndf' file is created to contain information about the items that are processed. This file is named "
", where Case is the name of the DA Database and the 1 is the actual CaseID of the case under which Analytics was enabled.
When Analytics is disabled, the '
file is deleted, along with the associated full text index folder, "DataFullTextIndex_Case_1
". Also, if a customer database that has an Analytics enabled case is moved from a SQL Always-On Availability Group (AG) to a locally hosted resource, the '.ndf' file references in the transaction log may not have been fully updated from the previous location. If an attempt is made to re-enable Analytics on a previously Analytics enabled Case or to enable Analytics on another case, either of the above errors may be displayed. These errors indicate that the DA customer database's transaction log has not been backed up to ensure the log's transaction have been fully executed.
The requirement of backing up the database and transaction logs is due to SQL Server's internal processing when Analytics is disabled on a Case in a DA Customer database whose Recovery Model is Full (the recommended Recovery Model for all DA databases) or when a database is moved from an AG to a local resource. The Analytics disabling processing includes deleting the Analytics-associated secondary data files (the '.ndf' file) and full text index folder / files for that Case. In a Full Recovery Model, SQL Server must first ensure such changes are synchronized across any replication servers and then must secure such changes, which is accomplished by running SQL Server backups of the DA Customer database and transaction logs. Please see the Related Articles section for more information..
The following steps should be completed with the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) stopped on the DA server to prevent any updates to the DA Customer database during the backup process, but stopping the service is not mandatory.
1) Log onto the SQL server with an account that has proper permissions (the Vault Service Account should have such permissions)
2) Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
3) Expand
Databases in the left pane
4) Right click on the DA Customer database
5) Select the '
Tasks' option
6) Select the '
Back Up...' option
7) For the '
Backup type:', click the drop down arrow and select '
Transaction log
8) Provide the rest of the information needed (Backup set name and location)
9) Click the
OK button to execute the backup
10) When the backup completes successfully, close the SQL Management Studio and log off of the SQL Server as needed
11) In the DA Client, enable Analytics for the Case.