How to configure the NetAppHomeMap value to allow NetApp autohome folders to be located properly with the PST Locator Task.
The NetApp Filer autohome feature provides each Windows user with a home directory that is accessible through a share in this format: \\filer_name\user_name$
PST files hosted in these home directories were not migrated during client-driven PST migration because Enterprise Vault (EV) was unable to build the complete UNC path to these directories physical locations. In the case of autohome shares, the NetApp Filer does respond appropriately to the NetShareGetInfo function which tries to ascertain the full path to the share.
In the following example, users' directories are stored below three directories called Engineering, Finance and Marketing: +---Engineering
Engineering, Finance and Marketing must be shared and accessible to the Vault Service Account (VSA). Add the three share names, in a semi-colon separated list, to the filer_name entry under the NetAppHomeMap key.
When EV processes a PST file that is on \\filer_name\UserG$, it attempts to connect to a directory called UserG under each of the shares listed in the NetAppHomeMap entry for that server name: \\filer_name\engineering\UserG
In the first two cases EV will not find the directory, but in the third case it does. When EV has found \\filer_name\marketing\UserG, it can then build the complete UNC path to the directory and proceed with the migration of the PST files it contains.
1. Go to Start | Run and type regedit and click OK.
2. Expand the following on a 32 bit server:
on a 64 bit server:
3. Right-click on Agents and select New > Key.
4. Enter the following name for the key:
5. Right click on NetAppHomeMap and select New > String Value.
6. Enter the filer_name of the NetApp server as the Name.
7. Double-click the Name and add the share(s) in the Value data field and click OK. (Entries from above example)
8. Restart the EV Admin Service.