How to enable Debugging for Exchange

Article: 100000589
Last Published: 2018-05-16
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): Backup Exec


How to enable Debugging to troubleshoot Exchange backup and restore issues


Debug Steps:
Set Debug on the Backup Exec (BE) server and each Exchange server: 
Open Debug Monitor on each server. (SGMON.exe)
  1.  On the BE server: (C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\SGMON.exe)
    1. Under Capture settings, Select the following items from the main screen of Debug Monitor: Job Engine, RAWS, Agent Browser, Backup Exec Server, Device and Media, Catalog, Third party debug output, and Capture to File.
    2. Click Clear Log.
    3. Inside Debug Monitor, go to Tools\Settings. Select  Agents on the left side. Then select Exchange on the right and set it to Low
    4. Inside the Tools\Settings dialog, select Job Engine & Remote Agent on the left. Then select Enable Job Engine and Remote Agent Debug outside of SGMon. (Note this will remain in debug mode until this option is turned off)
      1. *Note: In order to capture detail of Granular GRT functions, the debug must be done with Debug Monitor as described so that the GRT Monad content is collected.
  2. On each remote Exchange server: ​​​​​​​(C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\RAWS\SGMON.exe)
    1. Under Capture settings, Select the following items from the main screen of Debug Monitor: Job Engine, RAWS, Agent Browser, Third party debug output, and Capture to File.
    2. Click Clear Log
    3. Inside Debug Monitor, go to Tools\Settings. Select  Agents on the left side. Then select Exchange on the right and set it to Low.
    4. Inside the Tools\Settings dialog, select Job Engine & Remote Agent on the left. Then select Enable Job Engine and Remote Agent Debug outside of SGMon. (Note this will remain in debug mode until this option is turned off) 
      1. *Note: In order to capture detail of Granular GRT functions, the debug must be done with Debug Monitor as described so that the GRT Monad content is collected.
  3. For a Granular GRT restore , on the Exchange Client Access Server (CAS), the following must also be set. Note that EWS debugging only needs to be enabled when troubleshooting Granular GRT restore issues. EWS is not used during backups.
    In addition to the above, on the CAS server(s), set the following:
    1. Open Debug monitor and select the following items from the main screen: Job Engine, RAWS, Agent Browser, Third party debug output, and Capture to File.
    2. Click Clear Log
    3. Inside Debug Monitor, go to Tools\Settings. Select  Agents on the left side. Then select Exchange on the right and set it to Low.
    4. Inside the Tools\Settings dialog, select Job Engine & Remote Agent on the left. Then select Enable Job Engine and Remote Agent Debug outside of SGMon. (Note this will remain in debug mode until this option is turned off)
    5. Set the following debug by the registry: 
      1. HKLM\Software\veritas\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging
      2. DWORD Value names:
      3. EnableEWSDebug
        1. and
      4. CreateEWSTrace
        1. (These may need to be created)
      5. Set the values to "1"  
    6. Restart the Backup Exec Remote Agent Service on the Exchange Client Access Server(s) after setting the keys.
      1. *Note1 - Returning the key values to "0" will turn off the debug.
      2. *Note2 - If Exchange has a CAS Array (multiple CAS servers), Run the restore redirected to the IP address of one of the CAS servers.
  4. Run the job and reproduce the issue. 
    1. Select the smallest job that will reproduce the problem.
    2. Run this while no other jobs are running, if possible.
    3. Wait for the error to occur.
  5. Collect and send the logs:
    1. Run the Veritas Quick Assist (VQA) on each server to collect and send logs. More detail on this tool can be found in
    2. Be sure to select Full logs for support 
    3. After the Tool has completed the upload of logs from each server to Veritas, Save and send the Job Log of the job by replying to the Veritas Technician Email or posting it to the case.
  6. Debugs should be turned off after the issue is resolved and the logs can be deleted. Each step of the debugs mentioned above need to be undone.  
Notes about the logs:
The logs are created under -
BE Server - Program Files\veritas\Backup Exec\Logs
Remote servers - Program Files\veritas\Backup Exec\RAWS\Logs
The following logs create a new file each time BE services restart/debug is turned on:
The following logs append (single log file):
Warning : The resolution of this issue requires the registry to be edited with the Windows registry editor. Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor can have disastrous results on a server operating system. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes.


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