eDiscovery Platform 9.5.1 Release and Globanet Merge1 Announcement eDiscovery Platform and Globanet Merge1: The latest in eDiscovery

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Collect and discover data across all your messaging and file platforms and learn about new eDP enhancements.

From comprehensive legal holds to predictive coding and machine learning, eDiscovery Platform has provided a market-leading eDiscovery solution for many years. With our Globanet Merge1 partnership, eDP can now collect data from over 80 platforms such as MS Teams, Slack, Symphony, Bloomberg and more sources to ensure you are meeting all your eDiscovery and compliance needs.

With the release of eDiscovery Platform 9.5.1 this Fall, we are announcing a number of new enhancements:

  • A new user interface for Office 365 sources– making collection from O365 Exchange and OneDrive easier.
  • Classification Engine support for 11 new Personally Identifiable Information (PII) policies, and new policies to help identify and tag ransomware and COVID-19 related information
  • New support for IM, social media, and collaboration tools – over 80 content sources in total – through our partnership with Globanet and new support for its Merge1 offering.



Aayush Jain
Principal Product Manager, Veritas Technologies

Sam Elbeck
VP, Business Development and Strategy, Globanet