Frequently asked questions about NetBackup licensing and NetBackup license keys

記事: 100059056
最終公開日: 2023-10-23
評価: 5 0
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


Frequently asked questions about NetBackup licensing and NetBackup license keys

You can access the Veritas Licensing Portal at MyVeritas:

Veritas customers have asked the following questions about how to manage NetBackup license keys.

Is the license system for NetBackup the same as the license system in other Veritas products?

NetBackup uses a common license system that other Veritas products also use. Please remember, however, that the common license system provides flexibility in the license features that each product implements. For example, NetBackup does not have a node-locked license system, but some other products do.

What does the license key look like? What information does it contain?

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: The key is a multi-digit alphanumeric string (for example: 8EPP-ABCD-9XYZ-XYZ9-8881-VCF4-OIUF-AJDC). The key contains information on the following:

  • Whether the key is for NetBackup Server or NetBackup Enterprise Server

  • Whether the key is for a server, a client, an agent, or an option (and which one)

  • Whether the key is a permanent key or an evaluation key

  • Information about how and where the key was generated

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later:  The file is an slf file. The file contains information on the following:

  • Which report, Capacity or Traditional, is generated

  • The validity of the license, if it is evaluation or subscription

  • Service contract information

  • Customer account information

  • Whether the file is a perpetual file or an subscription file

  • Information about when the file was generated

Is the license key serialized?

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: Yes, serialization information is embedded in the key.

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later: No, it is an slf file with all relevant details.

Can I see reports on what license keys I have?

Yes. Information about license keys is stored on the primary server.

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: To access the information, open the NetBackup Administration Console and select Help > License Keys.

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later: To access the information, open the NetBackup web UI and select Settings > License management.

How do I enable options and agents?


When you install NetBackup, you are prompted to enter the license keys for all options and agents.

If you purchase an agent or other add-on product at a later date, you can enter its license key manually.

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: Open the NetBackup Administration Console and select Help > License Keys.

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later: Open the NetBackup web UI and select Settings > License management.

Should I save license keys after they have been entered?

It is unnecessary to save the license keys. They are always available to view and download on the VEMS License Keys page. For more details refer them to the VEMS user’s guide:

What should I do if I have lost my license information?

Veritas has a record of all licenses that are issued to customers. You can view these licenses on the VEMS License Keys page. More information is available:

If you have purchased NetBackup from a Veritas partner, you need to contact that partner for information on your license.

Do I need a license key to enable NetBackup Remote Administration Consoles?

No. NetBackup Remote Administration Consoles do not require special license keys. You can install them on any computer with access to the primary server.

Can a license key be used multiple times?

Yes. You can use your license keys multiple times. You are, however, legally bound to install and use only the entitled capacity FETB or the number of NetBackup servers, clients, agents, and options for which you purchase licenses.

How do existing customers get license keys?

More information about how to download license keys is available on

If your maintenance is through a Veritas partner, you upgrade through the partner. Contact the partner for more details.

What if I do not get the right license keys?

Contact Customer Care at the website that is shown:

What does an evaluation license key enable?

The evaluation license key enables unrestricted use of NetBackup, its agents, and its options for a predetermined period of time.

Am I notified when an evaluation is about to expire?

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: To find out when a license key expires, open the NetBackup Administration Console and select Help > License Keys.

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later: To find out when a license expires, open the NetBackup web UI, you can see a banner specifying that evaluation license is about to expire.

On UNIX servers, you can also run the following command: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key

What happens when an evaluation license key expires?

The NetBackup daemons are shut down. When you attempt to use the product, you are informed that its evaluation period has expired.

Does NetBackup save the backup configuration and catalog information when evaluation license keys expire?

Yes. Customers who add a perpetual or subscription license key to an evaluation version of NetBackup have immediate access to their catalog information and configuration information.

How do I upgrade from an evaluation license to a permanent license?


It is easy. When you purchase a perpetual or subscription license, you add that license to NetBackup. All the configuration information and catalog data from your evaluation version is retained.

For NetBackup versions before 10.3: To enter your perpetual or subscription license key, open the NetBackup Administration Console and select Help > License Keys.

For NetBackup versions 10.3 and later: To enter your perpetual or subscription license, open the NetBackup web UI and select Settings > License management.

On UNIX servers, you can also run the following command:


What if I cannot see get_license_key or licenses on media server?

Media servers do not require licenses and get_license_key is not deployed on the media server.

In case you want to view licenses on primary from media server, use bpminlicense -M <primar_server> option.

Adding license with the same entitlement ID using Settings > License Management > Add license > Selecting Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) from NetBackup Web UI results in License is successfully added instead of License already exists.

Adding license with the same entitlement ID using Settings > License Management > Add license > Selecting Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) generates a new license with the same entitlement ID, but with a different fulfillment ID.

NetBackup uses the license file that has the greatest fulfillment ID.

Renewing license using File System from the NetBackup Web UI allows selecting license file with a different entitlement ID.

If you have accidentally added the license file with a different entitlement ID, remove it by selecting the entitlement that you have added and clicking Remove.

Traditional license information is shown instead of FETB consumption on Settings > License Management page in the NetBackup Web UI.

If you have added Traditional license, license meter is the number of NetBackup servers that you can install and the meter is not based on the FETB capacity consumption.

If you wish to switch to capacity (FETB) licensing, contact Customer Care at

Search on Settings > License Management page in the  NetBackup Web UI does not search on Status, License type, Activation, and Expiration.

Search on Settings > License Management page in the NetBackup Web UI works only on Name and Entitlement ID as other fields are localized.

Unable to sort on any column in Settings > License Management page in the NetBackup Web UI.

By default, entitlement with the farthest expiration date is sorted first. Sorting cannot be altered.

Unable to renew perpetual or demo licenses

Only subscription licenses can be renewed.

Unable to add capacity-based license on top of existing traditional-based license. Licenses of different edition cannot be mixed. You can either have capacity-based licenses or traditional-based license. If you try to add a license that is conflicting with the edition that is already on your primary server, conflicting licenses are removed after your consent to continue the addition.
Unable to add subscription license on top of existing perpetual license. Perpetual and subscription licenses cannot be mixed. You can either have perpetual licenses or subscription licenses. If you try to add a license that is conflicting with the license type that is already on your primary server, conflicting licenses are removed after your consent to continue the addition.
Unable to remove the last active license. NetBackup cannot function if the last active license is removed resulting in job failures and daemons shutting down. If you want another license other than the last active license, you are advised to add the license first and then it will allow you to remove the undesired license.
Catalog recovery fails after opting not to restore NetBackup licenses.

NetBackup cannot function if no active license is present resulting in job failures and daemons shutting down. Before catalog recovery add a license to the NetBackup primary server using bpminlicense -add_keys <slf_file_path>.

For downloading licenses, refer to:

If your maintenance is through a Veritas partner, you upgrade through the partner. Contact the partner for more details.

Start date of the license and date of installation or upgrade do not match.

For all license types except in-built licenses, start date is the date when the license is purchased. In case of in-built licenses, start date matches the date of installation or upgrade.

Entitlement ID is visible in NetBackup Web UI and Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) UI but in the license .slf file, there is no Entitlement ID.

License .slf file has a serial number that maps to the Entitlement ID in V

Catalog recovery when selected to restore licensing data shows the existing licenses and also the licenses that were backed up during catalog backup.

Since Catalog recovery is selected to restore licensing data, it may have licenses that are expired. Hence, existing licenses are retained. You may delete the unwanted licenses using Settings > License Management page in the NetBackup Web UI.

Unable to select the location to export the licensing information from Settings > License Management page in the  NetBackup Web UI.

The license information is exported and stored as .csv file in the browser default download location.

Which license can be added over which existing license? 

The following matrix is supported while adding a new license on the existing license.

Existing/New Evaluation Evaluation Extension Temp Production Subscription Perpetual Capacity Perpetual Traditional
Evaluation n y n y y y
Evaluation Extension n y n y y y
Temp Production n n n y y y
Subscription n n n y n n
Perpetual Capacity n n n n y n
Perpetual Traditional n n n n n y


Unable to see entitled quantity in any report or APIs.

Entitled quantity is the meter (FETB for Capacity license, number of servers for Traditional license) that you are entitled to use.
To check the details like total and available quantity, check the Veritas NetInsights console at

Unable to renew, add, or delete multiple licenses at one go by selecting them.

Renew, add, or delete actions are not supported for multiple licenses. At a time, one license can be added, renewed or deleted.

I am unable to view Settings > License Management menu in the NetBackup Web UI.

By default, Administrator RBAC role has permissions to view/add/delete/update licenses and delegate license management to other users. Security Administrator RBAC role has permissions to view licenses and delegate license management to other users.

If you have the view access, you will be able to see the license banner (if any) and view the licenses on the License management page. If you have permissions to add/delete/update licenses, you can add/remove/renew licenses.

NetBackup services are not coming up when evaluation license has expired.

At least one valid and unexpired license is required for NetBackup services to work. You will not be able to login to even the Web UI if no active licenses are present. You will require to add an active license for services to start using bpminlicense -add_keys CLI.

Unable to add license on the media server.

Media servers do not require and support licenses, you will not be able to add licenses on the media servers.

Unable to perform catalog recovery when valid license file is not present.

NetBackup cannot function if no active license is present resulting in job failures and daemons shutting down. Before catalog backup/recovery, add a license to the NetBackup primary server using bpminlicense -add_keys <slf_file_path>.

For downloading licenses, refer to

If your maintenance is through a Veritas partner, you upgrade through the partner. Contact the partner for more details.

License renewal through VEMS will  renew the license with the same license quantity and not with the latest license file available.

License renewal will fetch the license with the same license quantity. If you want to generate license key with a different quantity, go to VEMS. Once, you have generated license key with the required quantity in VEMS, download the generated license and add it using the NetBackup Web UI. Adding license in the Web UI, using Settings > License Management > Add license > Selecting Valways generates new license with the quantity that is equal to the entitled quantity.

Unable to see the Capacity licensing summary on the licensing management page in the Web UI

Traditional licensing information is visible on the license management Web UI page when licenses with the meter SERVER or CPU is present. When licenses with the meter FETB is present, capacity licensing summary is shown.

Licensing banner notifying about expiration is not visible.

Either the license is not in the warning or in the grace period, or you do not have permissions to view the license.

Maintenance status shows perpetual license as expired in the license summary.

 In case you have perpetual licenses, service expiration is marked when the service contract expires. However, no NetBackup services will shut down and no NetBackup operation will be hampered.

My licenses have expired but my services are running with the  banner visible.

It is running in a grace period and NetBackup will not stop working. But you are legally bound to put an active license for NetBackup to continue to work.

Activation date and expiration dates are blank for few licenses.

For perpetual license, expiration and activation are shown as blank because NetBackup services do not stop working as it is a perpetual license. However, service expiration is marked when the service contract expires and you can go to VEMS to renew the service contract.

What is the warning period and how long does it last?

The warning period is the time duration in days before license ends. It is generally 120 days before the license end date for subscription license and 60 days for in-built licenses. Warning period overlaps with the grace period.

What is grace period and how long does it last?

Grace period is the time duration in days after license has expired but before it ends.  You are legally allowed to use till license ends but after grace period is over, you must purchase or renew your subscription. It is generally 60 days after license expiration for Subscription license.

Unable to add license when I can see the license has expired.

You do not have RBAC Add license permission. You can request the user to be in the RBAC Administrator role to add an active license.

Getting error message "The specified operation on the NetBackup entitlement cannot be carried out."

Check the error details and perform necessary corrective actions. Refer to the status code guide for error code and resolution. If the issue still persists, visit The Veritas Technical Support website site offers additional information to help you troubleshoot this issue.

While adding license, I get an error message stating specified license file is corrupted.

Ensure to use the valid NetBackup license.

For downloading licenses, refer

If your maintenance is through a Veritas partner, upgrade through the partner. Contact the partner for more details.

On Unix, while adding license using license file path, relative path is not allowed.

To disallow shell expansion, relative path is not allowed. Absolute path is expected.




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