Tomcat and nbwebsvc certificates are not renewed even though the hotfix in article 100044601 was applied.

記事: 100049294
最終公開日: 2021-02-05
評価: 3 0
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


You may observe the issue reported in Article 100044601 reoccurring after the hotfixes were installed. 

The associated EEB's are:

NetBackup 8.1 Hotfix - Etrack 3966961

NetBackup 8.1.2 / 3.1.2 Hotfix - Etrack 3967638

NetBackup 8.0 / 3.0 Hotfix - Etrack 3967584

NetBackup 8.1.1 / 3.1.1 Hotfix - Etrack 3967620


Error Message

When the certificate expire, the following errors appear depending on the situation:

- A backup job fails with Status 8506: The certificate has expired.
- NetBackup Administration Console fails to login to the Master Server with Status 7656: Certificate Revocation List is out of date.
- "nbcertcmd -getCertificate -force" fails with Status 8625: Server is unavailable to process the request. Please try later.



The installation of the hotfix will update the file security.war (8.1 and earlier) or netbackup.war (8.1.1 and later) in order to resolve the issue.

If "configureWmc" is run after the hotfix was installed, the above files revert back to their original versions, which will make it as if the hotfix had never been applied. The paths to configureWmc are found here:

  UNIX / Linux:




The version of the .war files can usually be returned to the hotfixed state by uninstalling and reinstalling the EEB. Note that it is expected that a checksum error will appear in regards to the .war file.

If uninstallation and re-installation of the EEB fails to return the .war to the correct state, you can recover the .war file with the step below:


  1. Stop NetBackup services.

      UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all
      Windows:    <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\bpdown


  2. Extract the war files from the EEB without installing it by using the "-extractonly" option.
      The current directory will be used if a path is not specified.

      Example: UNIX/Linux: eebinstaller_3967638_1_linuxR_x86 -extractonly [PATH]
              Windows:    eebinstaller_3967638_1_AMD64.exe -extractonly [PATH]

      The eebinstaller for the EEB's can be found at these locations:

      UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/pack/EEB/
      Windows:    <install_path>\Patch\EEB


  3. Confirm that the extracted war files exist under the following path.

      -- for NetBackup 8.0 and 8.1 --
      UNIX/Linux: [PATH]/wmc/webserver/webapps_api/security.war
      Windows:    [PATH]\Netbackup\wmc\webserver\webapps_api\security.war

      -- for NetBackup 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 --
      UNIX/Linux: [PATH]/wmc/webserver/webapps_api/netbackup.war
      Windows:    [PATH]\Netbackup\wmc\webserver\webapps_api\netbackup.war


  4. Replace the following war files by the file extracted in step 3.

      -- for NetBackup 8.0 and 8.1 --
      UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/wmc/webserver/webapps_api/security.war
      Windows:    <install_path>\NetBackup\wmc\webserver\webapps_api\security.war

      -- for NetBackup 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 --
      UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/wmc/webserver/webapps_api/netbackup.war
      Windows:    <install_path>\NetBackup\wmc\webserver\webapps_api\netbackup.war


  5. Start NetBackup services.

      UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.start_all
      Windows:    <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\bpup

nbcheck reports tomcat_certificates failure during NetBackup upgrade

"binary operator expected" while troubleshooting NetBackup Web Management Console

STATUS 5969 Web Management Console service could not be parsed

NetBackup 8.1 master server installation or upgrade returns "WARNING: Failed to deploy AT certificate for web user."

Tomcat and nbwebsvc certificates are not renewed automatically on the master server with non-English locale.

nbcheck reports java_key_store failed during NetBackup upgrade

Unable to deploy certificate after install/upgrade of NetBackup Master 8.1 [Windows Master] EXIT STATUS 8625: Server is unavailable to process the request. Please try later.

Web services fail to start during a master server installation on HPUX

Netbackup Web Management Service is not starting


Related Etrack

NetBackup 8.1 Hotfix - Tomcat and nbwebsvc certs not auto renewing on non-English locale (Etrack 3966961)

NetBackup 8.1.2 . 3.1.2 Hotfix - Tomcat and nbwebsvc certs not auto renewed on Japanese OS (Etrack 3967638)

NetBackup 8.0 / 3.0 Hotfix - Certificates not renewed automatically (Etrack 3967584)

NetBackup 8.1.1 / 3.1.1 Hotfix - Tomcat and nbwebsvc certs not auto renewed on Japanese OS (Etrack 3967620)

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