記事: 100030046
最終公開日: 2019-04-03
評価: 0 0
製品: InfoScale & Storage Foundation
How to Check Interface Duplex and Speed Using ndd/kstat on Solaris.
To verify the duplex and speed settings for a network interface.
Using kstat to display network interface variables.
Use the ndd command to check or set network interface configurables. Some of the more important settings, as the relate to speed and duplex, are as follows:
ndd variable values Description
link_status 0/1 read only 0 = link up, 1 = link down
link_speed 0/1 read only 0 = 10 meg, 1 = 100 meg
link_mode 0/1 read only 0 = half duplex, 1 = full duplex
adv_autoneg_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = autonegotiation off, 1 = autonegotiation on
adv_100T4_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100T4 off, 1 = 100T4 on
adv_100fdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100/full off, 1 = 100/full on
adv_100hdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100/half off, 1 = 100/half on
adv_10fdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 10/full off, 1 = 10/full on
adv_10hdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 10/half off, 1 = 10/half on
Use the link_status, link_speed, and link_mode variables to check your current network interface. Alternatively you can use 'netstat -k' which is extremely verbose. Use the adv_* variables to set what you want the interface to be capable of.
Note: The tips about link_speed and link_mode do not work with /dev/ce (Gigabit Interfaces). At this time you have to use `netstat -k` for getting speed and status information.
Using kstat to display network interface variables.
# kstat -p | grep link_ | grep bge
Use the ndd command to check or set network interface configurables. Some of the more important settings, as the relate to speed and duplex, are as follows:
ndd variable values Description
link_status 0/1 read only 0 = link up, 1 = link down
link_speed 0/1 read only 0 = 10 meg, 1 = 100 meg
link_mode 0/1 read only 0 = half duplex, 1 = full duplex
adv_autoneg_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = autonegotiation off, 1 = autonegotiation on
adv_100T4_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100T4 off, 1 = 100T4 on
adv_100fdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100/full off, 1 = 100/full on
adv_100hdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 100/half off, 1 = 100/half on
adv_10fdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 10/full off, 1 = 10/full on
adv_10hdx_cap 0/1 read/write 0 = 10/half off, 1 = 10/half on
Use the link_status, link_speed, and link_mode variables to check your current network interface. Alternatively you can use 'netstat -k' which is extremely verbose. Use the adv_* variables to set what you want the interface to be capable of.
Note: The tips about link_speed and link_mode do not work with /dev/ce (Gigabit Interfaces). At this time you have to use `netstat -k` for getting speed and status information.
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_duplex
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_autoneg
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_status
# ndd /dev/bge0 link_speed