Configuring the Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO)
What is DLO?
DLO is an intelligent file copying utility which allows you to backup file data from client workstations to a shared folder. This product is intended to provide file-level protection for desktop user data and is not intended to provide a full system backup. This cannot be used as a Disaster Recovery for a System.
DLO will not work on servers and must be installed into an Active Directory environment
Terminologies used in DLO:
Storage Location:
It's the physical location where the backed up data will be stored using DLO. It can be NUDF and/or LUDF.
Network User Data Folder (NUDF):
This is the location where the backup data is stored. It can be on all Media Server platforms or on SAN, NAS or Locally attached Storage.
Desktop or Local User Data Folder (LUDF):
This is the storage location on the client machines (Workstation). It is used to perform offline backup/restore using the DLO Agent.
DLO Administration Console:
All the Management, Configuration (Create Profiles, Create Network User Data Folder, Create Automated User Assignments, Add Users Manually, View History, logfiles, alerts), Backup, Restore tasks are done through DLO Administration Console.
DLO Agent:
This component gets installed on the client machine which needs to be backed up. Along with this it installs the Veritas DLO Change Journal Service which is responsible for keeping a track of all the changes that are happening on the files and report DLO Agent to perform the backups.
The Desktop Agent is used for client operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
DLO Database:
DLO is the DLO database which holds all the information related to user, storage location, computers etc., for DLO
DLO Maintenance Service:
This service is responsible for handling data intensive operations from server, like grooming of file versions. This service needs to be installed on all the server hosting the Network user Data Folder (NUDF) it is present on DLO Server by default
This is use to define the backup selections, granting privileges, Limiting Network/Local bandwidth, scheduling, revision controls, customizing backups etc., for DLO
Installing DLO:
DLO can be installed by running setup.exe in the install folder.
The first time when DLO is launched it will ask for the Recovery Password. This needs to remembered as DLO backups are all encrypted backups and if the DLO database is lost due to some sort of crash, data can be recovered using the Recovery Password with Emergency Restore.
Configuring DLO:
To configure DLO for the first time follow this sequence.
- Create Storage Location
- Create Profile
- Create Automated User Assignment (AUA) (Optional)
- Add Users Manually (Optional)
For adding User or creating AUA Storage Location and Profile needs to be specified, hence Storage Location and Profile needs to be created first.