The NetBackup Enterprise Vault Agent support for Enterprise Vault configured in a Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) or Veritas Cluster Services (VCS) environment.
記事: 100022550
最終公開日: 2014-09-17
評価: 0 0
製品: NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
The NetBackup Enterprise Vault Agent support for Enterprise Vault configured in a Microsoft MSCS or Veritas Cluster Services (VCS) environment.
The NetBackup 7.0 or later Enterprise Vault agents support Enterprise Vault installed in both MSCS and VCS clustered environments with the following exception: Enterprise Vault 7.5 is not supported in a VCS cluster environment.The NetBackup 7.5 and later Enterprise Vault agent is not supported when used with Enterprise Vault 10 and an SQL server configured in VCS.
At this time, the NetBackup Enterprise Vault Agent does not support more than 1 Enterprise Vault Site hosted within the same Cluster. This applies to Enterprise Vault Servers and Enterprise Vault Repository MS SQL Servers representing an Enterprise Vault Site.
If the cluster is made up of more than 2 cluster nodes, 1 cluster node must actively host all the
servers in the
Enterprise Vault
Site and this node must be the NetBackup Policy client.
All Enterprise Vault servers that are clustered and that are hosting an Index Location
must be part of the same cluster and active on the same cluster node.
A Virtual Enterprise Vault SQL Server must be hosted by a node separate from the node hosting the Enterprise Vault resources.