How to run an extensive database repair and cleanup of the Backup Exec database when it is found to be inconsistent

記事: 100020074
最終公開日: 2021-11-02
評価: 3 0
製品: Backup Exec


How to run an extensive database repair and cleanup of the Backup Exec database when it is found to be inconsistent.


To run an extensive repair and cleanup of the Microsoft SQL Express database that Backup Exec uses, perform the following steps:
1. Make sure no Backup / Restore jobs or Live Update sessions are running in Backup Exec and close the user interface.
2. Go to the C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\ directory ( default location), and double-click on BEUtility.exe to run it.

3. A ' Yes / No' dialog box will show. Click on the Yes button on the dialog box.
4. Expand Known Computers and Backup Exec server name will be listed in Right-hand pane when clicked on All Backup Exec servers. If it is not present then, right-click on All Backup Exec Servers, select New Backup Exec Server, enter the name of the Backup Exec server, and click OK.
5. In the left window pane, select the Backup Exec server name and then click Dump Database from the Database Tasks options in the left window pane OR right-click on the Backup Exec server name and then click Dump Database to take a backup of the existing BEDB state.
6. You may get a pop up message similar to below that Remote Registry service will be started and then stopped, click Yes to continue.
7. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of dumping the database.
8. On completion, click Close.
9. Repeat the steps from Step 5 above and this time click Repair Database from the Database Tasks options.  Select OK on Repair Database window.
10. Click Yes in the Do you want to continue? message as below.
11. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of repairing the database.

12. On completion, click Close
13. Repeat the steps from Step 5 above and this time click Rebuild Database Indices from the Database Tasks options.
14. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of rebuilding the database indices.
15. On completion, click Close.
16. Repeat the steps from Step 5 above and this time click Compact Database from the Database Tasks options.
17. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of compacting the database.
18. On completion, click Close.  
19. Repeat the steps from Step 5 above and this time click Age Database from the Database Tasks options.
20. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of aging the database.

21. On completion, click Close
22. Repeat the steps from Step 5 above and this time click Check Database Consistency from the Database Tasks options.
23. The Operation Progress dialog box will appear, indicating the process of checking the database consistency.
24. On completion, click Close.  
25. Select the File | Exit menu option to quit BEUtility.
26. Run additional tests in Backup Exec to confirm the application is functioning properly.

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