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NetBackup 10.2 - MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle (Etrack 4114001)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 4114001
Problem Description: NetBackup 10.2 MSDP Preferred EEB Bundle
Version: NetBackup 10.2
Installation Location: Media Server, Client
If client side deduplication is used, this EEB should be installed on the client and MSDP server. All servers that are MSDP storage pools or can write to a MSDP storage pool should also have this EEB installed.
This Hotfix contains multiple Emergency Engineering Binaries which fix problems with MSDP Servers, NetBackup Appliances, and Flex Appliances.
Fixes Included in this NetBackup 10.2 MSDP EEB Bundle:
ET 4110248: Use big compaction check batch size to improve performance
ET 4111955: Forced compaction doesn't work if there are a lot of data in MSDP
ET 4112641: vpfs writes file reported IO error
ET 4112721: Create aws or minio cloud failed in Disk volume with the specified name already exists. But disk volume name not used
ET 4112162: [CDP]:vpfsd coredumps observed on MSDP storage server, while performing upgrade and removing subscription of CDP VMs
ET 4112641: vpfs writes file reported IO error
ET 4112377: support to stop backfill with signal
ET 4112849: vpfsd reported EEROR message: Failed to open env for db
ET 4111708: malware scan 50 millions files hang due to cata2map hang with race condition of background space monitor thread
ET 4113055: Fix issue getLivemount share status inactive because of race condition
ET 4114274: fail to mount vpfs may reset the file change list
ET 4114208: Retry EINTR failure from fstatfs for VxFS
ET 4112773: Add retries to VxFS VX_SETEXT ioctl on failure if errno is EINTREINTR indicates that the system call was interrupted by a signal
ET 4114638: if file name or directory name is too long ,change it to short name
ET 4112938: Fix incorrect permissions for history directorymsdpsvc:users -> msdpsvc:pduser
ET 4113932: Removed early return that did not return spws CRQ back to the pool
ET 4113399: Added a lock at the class attribute level to protect commandline execution of exportfs.
ET 4113722: back port fixes to EEB of 18.0
ET 4115681: copilot umount snapshot may cause primary share into bad status
ET 4114934: enable direct IO with bdev for rhel8+ and all container based platforms
ET 4109784: Port fix to 18.0 EEB: fix IA issue when enabled TIR+ and diff/cum schedule type
ET 4115411: PDSTS: impl_write_image: max image size exceeded (51200 MB)
ET 4110248: Use big compaction check batch size to improve performance
ET 4111955: Forced compaction doesn't work if there are a lot of data in MSDP
ET 4112162: vpfsd coredumps observed on MSDP storage server, while performing upgrade and removing subscription of CDP VMs
ET 4112641: vpfs writes file reported IO error
ET 4112721: Create aws or minio cloud failed in Disk volume with the specified name already exists. But disk volume name not used
ET 4112377: support to stop backfill with signal
ET 4112849: vpfsd reported EEROR message: Failed to open env for db
ET 4111708: malware scan 50 millions files hang due to cata2map hang with race condition of background space monitor thread
ET 4113055: Fix issue getLivemount share status inactive because of race condition
ET 4113399: Added a lock at the class attribute level to protect commandline execution of exportfs.
ET 4114274: fail to mount vpfs may reset the file change list
ET 4113722: port some cata2map/IA fixes from 17.1 EEB bundle
ET 4114208: Retry EINTR failure from fstatfs for VxFS
ET 4112773: Add retries to VxFS VX_SETEXT ioctl on failure if errno is EINTREINTR indicates that the system call was interrupted by a signal
ET 4114638: if file name or directory name is too long ,change it to short name
ET 4114201: BackupIoRequest::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device, Operating system error 59(An unexpected network error occurred.)
ET 4112938: Fix incorrect permissions for history directorymsdpsvc:users -> msdpsvc:pduser
ET 4113932: Removed early return that did not return spws CRQ back to the pool
ET 4115681: copilot umount snapshot may cause primary share into bad status
ET 4114934: enable direct IO with bdev for rhel8+ and all container based platforms
ET 4109784: fix IA issue when enabled TIR+ and diff/cum schedule type
ET 4115411: PDSTS: impl_write_image: max image size exceeded (51200 MB)
ET 4116266: skip file group deletion while ushare backup snapshot is being used to prevent potential data corruption
ET 4112745: Load the config for cloud WORM storage before check the status.
ET 4116660: Porting fix there in
ET 4116165: MSDP-7089 dedupe shell ActiveDirectory configuration fixes
ET 4118349: backup and background task deadlock
ET 4111420: add more logs on cata2map to logging extent locate failure
ET 4118480: usharecli read all OST image from C1F1, C1F2, C1F3 ... C1FX, not just read the first C1F1
ET 4118521: stop backfill while taking snapshot
ET 4120242: cleanup ushare backup snapshot copies may cause memory leak
ET 4118121: add try catch for file system release
ET 4119452: After ushare backup, loop device might be hold by mtstrmd and other processes and could not release
ET 4124834: Backport kek_tag_reporting and crcontrol createnewkek option, includes Incident 4118545, Incident 4116618, Incident 4113795, Incident 4115764.
ET 4125603: Add engine down check to improve scache hookup performance
ET 4127589: Check if the containers are in recover mode nodes.
ET 4127761: snapshot may mount incorrect head volume
ET 4130738: file path may be missing while rename a file in UShare
ET 4130517: set vpfs dsid encryption when dsid 0 is set during initialization.
ET 4130860: Fix oracle copilot with ushare backup from snapshot fail with status 40/6 issue (errno 9 when dump file's SO list)
ET 4127577: fix out of memory issue.
ET 4130976: Close the DC iterator when all entries are accessed.
ET 4132111: Too many logs in online check log files
ET 4128845: Spad hang due to lock leak
ET 4118234: Close dc data file to clean up the open files and free memory.
ET 4131754: If users touch compaction.all in mount point and trigger force full compaction, add a log message to indicate the full compaction has been started.
ET 4128953: spoold's loopback noblocking socket stop work in windows 2019
ET 4104218: Media Write Error(84)
ET 4138610: Media Server instance off-line due to /mnt/nbdata run out of inodes
ET 4126907: compaction needn't call loadIndexFromContainer() if s-p cache is enabled
ET 4139144: Ushare backup reports no such file or directory during ushare dump and backup concurrently.
ET 4140413: configfilepath may not be present in pdregistry.cfg for some cases
ET 4120485: Disable image data container retention lock.
ET 4153152: ignore filename having surrogates
ET 4113961: Add option in pd.conf to allow MSSQL backup using multi-stream
ET 4152660: Use token credential to disable WORM image in Recovery Vault cloud provider.
ET 4132244: Fix delete share may fail if some shares are initializingdo not try to find a regular file for ioctl, always create a new temporary file. stat or filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator will fail with EPERM if some shares under ioctl_path are initializing.
ET 4146413: update im if tir or data vector is empty
ET 4145149: Improve SQL backup performance in NBFS
ET 4144312: Fix coredump of dcscan
ET 4143329: Adjust the online check batch size
ET 4124639: During scalability case running, found ushare access hang issue
ET 4139748: chdir() should not be called from DeleteTree() especially in a multi-threaded process, otherwise CWD of the process would be wrong forever.
Version 5 Adds:
ET 4156139: 'catdbutil --worm disable' command should handle AWS STS token expired error and repeatable.
ET 4156775: increase inode space usage from 25% (default) to 80%
ET 4145688: limit malware scan retention to 3 days
ET 4110247: Validate host only if secure comms is enabled
Installation Instructions:
Please follow the EEB Installer instructions below.
Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer
Installing EEBs/Add-ons on a NetBackup Flex Appliance
How to install client EEB's with VxUpdate
How to Add a VxUpdate file (SJA) to a Flex-based NetBackup Primary Server (
Binary Package Contents and checksums for all files (cksum):
File | Checksum | Byte count |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/handlehelper | 2301635557 | 65448 |
linuxR_x86/handlehelper | 2301635557 | 65448 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/handlehelper | 3735480702 | 43496 |
linuxS_x86/handlehelper | 3735480702 | 43496 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmctl | 4273052290 | 639256 |
linuxR_x86/mtstrmctl | 4273052290 | 639256 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmctl | 2170311073 | 440664 |
linuxS_x86/mtstrmctl | 2170311073 | 440664 |
rs6000_71/mtstrmctl | 349398665 | 2212317 |
solaris10/mtstrmctl | 2165806434 | 561432 |
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmctl | 2338178867 | 528336 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/mtstrmd | 204502343 | 1568480 |
linuxR_x86/mtstrmd | 204502343 | 1568480 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/mtstrmd | 3697959434 | 981792 |
linuxS_x86/mtstrmd | 3697959434 | 981792 |
rs6000_71/mtstrmd | 4077815598 | 7294002 |
solaris10/mtstrmd | 4106452950 | 1510008 |
solaris_x86_10_64/mtstrmd | 3743197031 | 1362560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdcfg | 1336081246 | 214984 |
linuxR_x86/pdcfg | 1336081246 | 214984 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdcfg | 3140655640 | 180624 |
linuxS_x86/pdcfg | 3140655640 | 180624 |
rs6000_71/pdcfg | 1438554762 | 613005 |
solaris10/pdcfg | 1654852369 | 212880 |
solaris_x86_10_64/pdcfg | 4204076804 | 244664 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdregister | 664904742 | 532568 |
linuxR_x86/pdregister | 664904742 | 532568 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdregister | 619227472 | 338960 |
linuxS_x86/pdregister | 619227472 | 338960 |
rs6000_71/pdregister | 465787859 | 1589539 |
solaris10/pdregister | 4287807868 | 449648 |
solaris_x86_10_64/pdregister | 999093974 | 465848 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/scsi_inq | 3812108710 | 42296 |
linuxR_x86/scsi_inq | 3812108710 | 42296 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/scsi_inq | 701835649 | 28624 |
linuxS_x86/scsi_inq | 701835649 | 28624 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/seedutil | 779863029 | 98288 |
linuxR_x86/seedutil | 779863029 | 98288 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/seedutil | 1045214210 | 71744 |
linuxS_x86/seedutil | 1045214210 | 71744 |
rs6000_71/seedutil | 1257118550 | 314842 |
solaris10/seedutil | 367083106 | 105032 |
solaris_x86_10_64/seedutil | 3512698401 | 94088 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdservice | 1554154141 | 25571 |
linuxR_x86/pdservice | 1554154141 | 25571 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/appdbutil | 3408726460 | 4279872 |
linuxR_x86/appdbutil | 3408726460 | 4279872 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/appdbutil | 4282836757 | 3371936 |
linuxS_x86/appdbutil | 4282836757 | 3371936 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cacontrol | 1725417622 | 175328 |
linuxR_x86/cacontrol | 1725417622 | 175328 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/cacontrol | 2226166540 | 102720 |
linuxS_x86/cacontrol | 2226166540 | 102720 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/catdbutil | 641041773 | 4637152 |
linuxR_x86/catdbutil | 641041773 | 4637152 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/catdbutil | 3744110513 | 3482912 |
linuxS_x86/catdbutil | 3744110513 | 3482912 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crcontrol | 2734791347 | 355752 |
linuxR_x86/crcontrol | 2734791347 | 355752 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crcontrol | 4022285493 | 293552 |
linuxS_x86/crcontrol | 4022285493 | 293552 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/crstats | 506067498 | 65936 |
linuxR_x86/crstats | 506067498 | 65936 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/crstats | 473957966 | 38536 |
linuxS_x86/crstats | 473957966 | 38536 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dcscan | 2732358198 | 5363680 |
linuxR_x86/dcscan | 2732358198 | 5363680 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dcscan | 3835598901 | 4149216 |
linuxS_x86/dcscan | 3835598901 | 4149216 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/dedupecatutil | 1978799021 | 670200 |
linuxR_x86/dedupecatutil | 1978799021 | 670200 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/dedupecatutil | 4161410486 | 513536 |
linuxS_x86/dedupecatutil | 4161410486 | 513536 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/filedel | 3094036834 | 46768 |
linuxR_x86/filedel | 3094036834 | 46768 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/filedel | 419651002 | 28488 |
linuxS_x86/filedel | 419651002 | 28488 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileget | 3520443101 | 57952 |
linuxR_x86/fileget | 3520443101 | 57952 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileget | 2784831303 | 34416 |
linuxS_x86/fileget | 2784831303 | 34416 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fileput | 3561817757 | 66024 |
linuxR_x86/fileput | 3561817757 | 66024 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fileput | 3428468847 | 44072 |
linuxS_x86/fileput | 3428468847 | 44072 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/fpindexscan | 358558357 | 5083032 |
linuxR_x86/fpindexscan | 358558357 | 5083032 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/fpindexscan | 467045171 | 4035192 |
linuxS_x86/fpindexscan | 467045171 | 4035192 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/keydictutil | 743880610 | 712592 |
linuxR_x86/keydictutil | 743880610 | 712592 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/keydictutil | 3376690400 | 641128 |
linuxS_x86/keydictutil | 3376690400 | 641128 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 390437877 | 388552 |
linuxR_x86/ | 390437877 | 388552 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3952414545 | 402384 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3952414545 | 402384 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/nbapiutil | 2086828090 | 165304 |
linuxR_x86/nbapiutil | 2086828090 | 165304 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/nbapiutil | 2303719142 | 118432 |
linuxS_x86/nbapiutil | 2303719142 | 118432 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pdconf | 4016999437 | 40864 |
linuxR_x86/pdconf | 4016999437 | 40864 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pdconf | 2868654267 | 18480 |
linuxS_x86/pdconf | 2868654267 | 18480 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddeDR | 1321361595 | 137584 |
linuxR_x86/pddeDR | 1321361595 | 137584 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddeDR | 2166215555 | 96632 |
linuxS_x86/pddeDR | 2166215555 | 96632 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/pddecfg | 1564043654 | 59040 |
linuxR_x86/pddecfg | 1564043654 | 59040 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/pddecfg | 2045963230 | 32232 |
linuxS_x86/pddecfg | 2045963230 | 32232 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refdbutil | 555125754 | 5258784 |
linuxR_x86/refdbutil | 555125754 | 5258784 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/refdbutil | 2004962953 | 4083144 |
linuxS_x86/refdbutil | 2004962953 | 4083144 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/sodupescanner | 556695294 | 50520 |
linuxR_x86/sodupescanner | 556695294 | 50520 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/sodupescanner | 1804614710 | 31080 |
linuxS_x86/sodupescanner | 1804614710 | 31080 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spad | 3227631820 | 6415648 |
linuxR_x86/spad | 3227631820 | 6415648 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spad | 2427255989 | 3689432 |
linuxS_x86/spad | 2427255989 | 3689432 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spadb | 817738255 | 777840 |
linuxR_x86/spadb | 817738255 | 777840 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spadb | 2119866464 | 831616 |
linuxS_x86/spadb | 2119866464 | 831616 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spauser | 3716060113 | 921240 |
linuxR_x86/spauser | 3716060113 | 921240 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spauser | 3760205391 | 914392 |
linuxS_x86/spauser | 3760205391 | 914392 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/splogscan | 75597062 | 76656 |
linuxR_x86/splogscan | 75597062 | 76656 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/splogscan | 3380091200 | 81816 |
linuxS_x86/splogscan | 3380091200 | 81816 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/spoold | 3155373176 | 5667136 |
linuxR_x86/spoold | 3155373176 | 5667136 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/spoold | 322844107 | 4035040 |
linuxS_x86/spoold | 322844107 | 4035040 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3305672967 | 170872 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3305672967 | 170872 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1043511196 | 73352 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1043511196 | 73352 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2799900177 | 237096 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2799900177 | 237096 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1069818664 | 108936 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1069818664 | 108936 |
rs6000_71/ | 431231690 | 280595 |
solaris10/ | 107732946 | 113352 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 991277298 | 118392 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3139032750 | 3170496 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3139032750 | 3170496 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3762739547 | 1991600 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3762739547 | 1991600 |
rs6000_71/ | 3604561959 | 6608995 |
solaris10/ | 366509449 | 2084816 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3055716722 | 2168128 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2392761441 | 1528584 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2392761441 | 1528584 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 685527409 | 884296 |
linuxS_x86/ | 685527409 | 884296 |
rs6000_71/ | 3975760850 | 1896144 |
solaris10/ | 3556832818 | 896200 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 1529097187 | 962400 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1018425800 | 74328 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1018425800 | 74328 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3034371438 | 43856 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3034371438 | 43856 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2129381722 | 459928 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2129381722 | 459928 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3549596643 | 333264 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3549596643 | 333264 |
rs6000_71/ | 4125312174 | 485311 |
solaris10/ | 1470829418 | 319680 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2139086983 | 359072 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1015755691 | 799336 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1015755691 | 799336 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 2695125910 | 519440 |
linuxS_x86/ | 2695125910 | 519440 |
rs6000_71/ | 1939654393 | 2384857 |
solaris10/ | 912819500 | 542856 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 4073504462 | 518680 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1078677165 | 274480 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1078677165 | 274480 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 4280161273 | 168824 |
linuxS_x86/ | 4280161273 | 168824 |
rs6000_71/ | 1709441991 | 714330 |
solaris10/ | 791899833 | 171048 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2681846004 | 166552 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2012897885 | 120624 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2012897885 | 120624 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1635505464 | 82312 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1635505464 | 82312 |
rs6000_71/ | 551347632 | 105400 |
solaris10/ | 2259514736 | 81496 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3750415132 | 87560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 773337188 | 262920 |
linuxR_x86/ | 773337188 | 262920 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1479593026 | 114768 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1479593026 | 114768 |
rs6000_71/ | 2599954648 | 305068 |
solaris10/ | 1877063122 | 120584 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 3289034097 | 120560 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4267737847 | 797936 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4267737847 | 797936 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 66775410 | 653560 |
linuxS_x86/ | 66775410 | 653560 |
rs6000_71/ | 402649023 | 1090136 |
solaris10/ | 3280841761 | 626368 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 1306373657 | 710160 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 513436163 | 565032 |
linuxR_x86/ | 513436163 | 565032 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1269562097 | 375144 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1269562097 | 375144 |
rs6000_71/ | 2313301200 | 1379673 |
solaris10/ | 2332306403 | 460744 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 897721011 | 471608 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3813925917 | 298648 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3813925917 | 298648 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1168573801 | 133104 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1168573801 | 133104 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1470810128 | 116808 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1470810128 | 116808 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1105298881 | 70536 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1105298881 | 70536 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 438441821 | 341504 |
linuxR_x86/ | 438441821 | 341504 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 802794686 | 178064 |
linuxS_x86/ | 802794686 | 178064 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1648504735 | 595328 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1648504735 | 595328 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 3268634532 | 332296 |
linuxS_x86/ | 3268634532 | 332296 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3768765123 | 1249680 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3768765123 | 1249680 |
linuxS_x86_4.4.73/ | 1583884815 | 995272 |
linuxS_x86/ | 1583884815 | 995272 |
rs6000_71/ | 1017461091 | 2045218 |
solaris10/ | 3258764639 | 1113448 |
solaris_x86_10_64/ | 2916625103 | 1187008 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 939419794 | 515920 |
linuxR_x86/ | 939419794 | 515920 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4070769457 | 582136 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4070769457 | 582136 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3983849154 | 669664 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3983849154 | 669664 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 4094988092 | 518568 |
linuxR_x86/ | 4094988092 | 518568 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 337356491 | 184800 |
linuxR_x86/ | 337356491 | 184800 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/cata2map | 3188322641 | 720248 |
linuxR_x86/cata2map | 3188322641 | 720248 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/edit_fstab | 3259049194 | 100312 |
linuxR_x86/edit_fstab | 3259049194 | 100312 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/imgio_test | 520254872 | 98376 |
linuxR_x86/imgio_test | 520254872 | 98376 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/meta_tlog_dump | 1433256321 | 100168 |
linuxR_x86/meta_tlog_dump | 1433256321 | 100168 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/refimage_util | 1667360291 | 36368 |
linuxR_x86/refimage_util | 1667360291 | 36368 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharecli | 1795651145 | 357664 |
linuxR_x86/usharecli | 1795651145 | 357664 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/usharedc | 1772421769 | 5738968 |
linuxR_x86/usharedc | 1772421769 | 5738968 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vmtools | 3039847367 | 875752 |
linuxR_x86/vmtools | 3039847367 | 875752 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_db | 777846232 | 158456 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_db | 777846232 | 158456 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_metadump | 1092496136 | 367360 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_metadump | 1092496136 | 367360 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_quota | 281583624 | 91424 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_quota | 281583624 | 91424 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_repair | 350992802 | 336632 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_repair | 350992802 | 336632 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_snap | 1938868726 | 90256 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_snap | 1938868726 | 90256 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_systemload | 234372144 | 66088 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_systemload | 234372144 | 66088 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsadm | 1053821406 | 2772496 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsadm | 1053821406 | 2772496 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsck | 222537440 | 484816 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsck | 222537440 | 484816 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfscld | 3189668321 | 877512 |
linuxR_x86/vpfscld | 3189668321 | 877512 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfsd | 1320228107 | 2842800 |
linuxR_x86/vpfsd | 1320228107 | 2842800 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3621992577 | 106024 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3621992577 | 106024 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2192617333 | 440592 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2192617333 | 440592 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2644081358 | 272768 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2644081358 | 272768 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1107116282 | 160832 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1107116282 | 160832 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2168832858 | 17584 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2168832858 | 17584 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 516802717 | 1616408 |
linuxR_x86/ | 516802717 | 1616408 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1337118852 | 5355216 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1337118852 | 5355216 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2337757830 | 4384408 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2337757830 | 4384408 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1466100550 | 735104 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1466100550 | 735104 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2014523965 | 199936 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2014523965 | 199936 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2232352850 | 970552 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2232352850 | 970552 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2860497081 | 1775760 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2860497081 | 1775760 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3796204463 | 314032 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3796204463 | 314032 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3307451387 | 870992 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3307451387 | 870992 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 709879361 | 39360 |
linuxR_x86/ | 709879361 | 39360 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 882908415 | 400280 |
linuxR_x86/ | 882908415 | 400280 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 3665452185 | 189176 |
linuxR_x86/ | 3665452185 | 189176 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 183475293 | 68369 |
linuxR_x86/ | 183475293 | 68369 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 932558447 | 17680 |
linuxR_x86/ | 932558447 | 17680 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/vpfs_mounts | 2442509962 | 35010 |
linuxR_x86/vpfs_mounts | 2442509962 | 35010 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ushare_smb_sync | 4121955203 | 7536 |
linuxR_x86/ushare_smb_sync | 4121955203 | 7536 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 2244392675 | 160216 |
linuxR_x86/ | 2244392675 | 160216 |
AMD64/dcr.dll | 683538836 | 1433600 |
AMD64/dct.dll | 3731406075 | 619520 |
AMD64/metab.dll | 2069769802 | 266240 |
AMD64/mtstrmcl.dll | 2367935267 | 1068544 |
AMD64/mtstrmco.dll | 35364639 | 122880 |
AMD64/pd.dll | 654208037 | 48640 |
AMD64/pdvfs.dll | 2382935468 | 485888 |
AMD64/libstspipd.dll | 567318866 | 724992 |
AMD64/cacontrol.exe | 3905710526 | 133120 |
AMD64/catdbutil.exe | 2109528927 | 2757632 |
AMD64/crcontrol.exe | 1288804257 | 190976 |
AMD64/crstats.exe | 1217044360 | 47616 |
AMD64/dcscan.exe | 2042024899 | 3363328 |
AMD64/dedupecatutil.exe | 1966851948 | 414208 |
AMD64/filedel.exe | 2293619272 | 23040 |
AMD64/fileget.exe | 260147025 | 32256 |
AMD64/fileput.exe | 2098301054 | 37888 |
AMD64/keydictutil.exe | 46084894 | 413184 |
AMD64/mtstrmctl.exe | 1442185049 | 1078272 |
AMD64/mtstrmd.exe | 3402557314 | 1549824 |
AMD64/pdcfg.exe | 393776887 | 226304 |
AMD64/pddeDR.exe | 1659713318 | 133120 |
AMD64/pddecfg.exe | 910471 | 43008 |
AMD64/pdregister.exe | 1905452757 | 349184 |
AMD64/refdbutil.exe | 855113106 | 3303424 |
AMD64/rep.dll | 3660213719 | 284672 |
AMD64/seedutil.exe | 3869554176 | 61952 |
AMD64/sodupescanner.exe | 2315453625 | 33792 |
AMD64/spad.exe | 4042482253 | 3535872 |
AMD64/spadb.exe | 80447078 | 528384 |
AMD64/spauser.exe | 1347277549 | 592896 |
AMD64/splogscan.exe | 1553432194 | 58368 |
AMD64/spoold.exe | 500139692 | 3261440 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1750948358 | 284128 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1750948358 | 284128 |
linuxR_x86/ | 667499431 | 168512 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 667499431 | 168512 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1591144342 | 327776 |
linuxR_x86_3.10.0/ | 1591144342 | 327776 |
linuxR_x86/ | 1452810108 | 5121 |
Recommended service state:
Stop all NetBackup services before applying this hotfix.
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |