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NetBackup 8.2 and NetBackup Appliance 3.2 EEB Package (Etrack 3998268)
Veritas Bug ID: ET 3998268
Issue: NetBackup 8.2 and NetBackup Appliance 3.2 EEB Package Etrack (3998268)
Problem Description:
Veritas has created a package of Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) fixes for NetBackup 8.2 and NetBackup Appliance 3.2 master
and media servers. The detailed content of this package is listed below.
There are no NetBackup client fixes contained in this package. This package will not deploy on NetBackup clients.
As before, the constituent EEBs can be manually installed on a Flex instance. The flex rpms are available at the download center link in the Package Content table below.
Please obtain and install the individual Emergency Engineering Binaries listed in the Knowledge Base article 100047753 which has a table showing which EEB's and EEB bundles exist in this package.
This set of fixes is packaged and deployed like other EEBs. After this package is deployed, the individual EEBs will be reported as installed in the same manner they would have been if each had been installed separately.
Within the NetBackup domain, install this package on the master server first. Then deploy it to the media servers in the domain.
When this package is deployed on a NetBackup or NetBackup Appliance server, it will attempt to install all the individual EEBs listed below for the appropriate server role. If there are EEBs in the environment that are obsoleted by the EEB Package, those EEBs will be uninstalled. If there are conflicting EEBs in the environment, the specific EEB with the conflict will not be installed. A summary report will be output at the end of the installation process.
When deploying via the NetBackup EEB installer on NetBackup master or media servers, shutdown services prior to deployment.
All other methods will handle stopping and restarting services.
The following Knowledge Base article 100047753 has a table showing which EEB's and EEB bundles exist in this package.
The previous issue with installing this package on a RedHat VCS Clustered Master server has been fixed.
Version: NetBackup 8.2
Installation Location: Server (Master or Media)
Installation Instructions:
Using the NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) installer
Installing EEBs on a NetBackup 52x0 / 5330 Appliance
How to install Emergency Engineering Binaries on a VCS clustered NetBackup server
How To Install a NetBackup Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) using VxUpdate
How to install add-ons or an EEB on NetBackup instances running on Flex 1.3 version
Installation Steps:
- Download and install non-sja eebinstaller_3998268_<version>_<platform> on the master server. Any master server platform will work.
- Download sja packages corresponding to each media server platform on which they want to deploy the EEB package.
- Add sja packages from step 2 to the repo.
- Create a deployment policy or ad hoc job to deploy the EEB package to media servers via VxUpdate.
Note: It is no longer necessary to uninstall the previous version before installing this EEB version.
Checksums of Files
File Checksum Byte count
AMD64/3998268.6_82_index 1858390638 3353
AMD64/eebinstaller_3981133_25_AMD64.exe 3011047180 18856432
AMD64/eebinstaller_3983739_3_AMD64.exe 1069647656 7386104
AMD64/eebinstaller_3987486_2_AMD64.exe 1148473584 5051384
AMD64/eebinstaller_3987911_1_AMD64.exe 2997539347 13428208
AMD64/eebinstaller_3996459_2_AMD64.exe 1851144826 13270520
AMD64/eebinstaller_3997921_2_AMD64.exe 1675222831 6125560
AMD64/eebinstaller_4002172_4_AMD64.exe 2869819500 21011440
AMD64/eebinstaller_4009877_3_AMD64.exe 636020120 1279992
AMD64/eebinstaller_4021776_2_AMD64.exe 770259852 79169008
AMD64/install-3998268.exe 2163375375 445952
AMD64/install_failure_3998268.exe 3565746297 6075267
AMD64/post_uninstall-3998268.exe 2163375375 445952
AMD64/preprocess_install_3998268.exe 3089926351 6073834
linuxR_x86/3998268.6_82_index 181221999 4981
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3981133_25_linuxR_x86 1406193812 37518826
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3981837_23_linuxR_x86 2592442785 79770546
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3983739_3_linuxR_x86 2029235034 16267068
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3987486_2_linuxR_x86 3190358576 11674791
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3987911_1_linuxR_x86 3170726837 30936540
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3990516_1_linuxR_x86 1468705015 616348
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3996459_2_linuxR_x86 2409120294 30129411
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_3997921_2_linuxR_x86 789442835 21015217
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_4002172_4_linuxR_x86 2791078615 52853828
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_4009877_3_linuxR_x86 3967745239 3785074
linuxR_x86/eebinstaller_4021776_2_linuxR_x86 1491571879 74527431
linuxR_x86/install-3998268 720551777 242616
linuxR_x86/install_failure_3998268 31174200 3109149
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3981133- 3486595538 12044573
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3981837- 3046290880 27800965
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3983739- 16619407 4290652
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3987486- 4093437288 2999173
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3987911- 550799113 7873572
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3990516- 1703692981 229536
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3996459- 1773999044 8631418
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET3997921- 339358503 5245661
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET4002172- 3534337863 12243645
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET4009877- 3345168044 1010192
linuxR_x86/NBAPP_EEB_ET4021776- 1929546457 71512614
linuxR_x86/ 627371723 128265
linuxR_x86/post_uninstall-3998268 720551777 242616
linuxR_x86/preprocess_install_3998268 2395531487 3107861
linuxS_x86/3998268.6_82_index 3386570236 3535
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3981133_25_linuxS_x86 2663885574 17017540
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3983739_3_linuxS_x86 3915572178 16196508
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3987486_2_linuxS_x86 1528859760 11600599
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3987911_1_linuxS_x86 1619720622 30769642
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3990516_1_linuxS_x86 1221293868 627725
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3996459_2_linuxS_x86 1456380294 30139573
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_3997921_2_linuxS_x86 724779393 20821565
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_4002172_4_linuxS_x86 2608812725 52115431
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_4009877_3_linuxS_x86 1296128428 3794563
linuxS_x86/eebinstaller_4021776_2_linuxS_x86 4017110903 74592618
linuxS_x86/install-3998268 1928110644 241732
linuxS_x86/install_failure_3998268 626571648 3141942
linuxS_x86/post_uninstall-3998268 1928110644 241732
linuxS_x86/preprocess_install_3998268 3933987880 3140612
solaris/3998268.6_82_index 2389584164 3505
solaris/eebinstaller_3981133_25_solaris 2612591476 20092360
solaris/eebinstaller_3983739_3_solaris 1747853343 33413904
solaris/eebinstaller_3987486_2_solaris 2646143168 19658368
solaris/eebinstaller_3987911_1_solaris 1911993688 51321104
solaris/eebinstaller_3990516_1_solaris 3445260094 822392
solaris/eebinstaller_3996459_2_solaris 1169940787 49853848
solaris/eebinstaller_3997921_2_solaris 1983736765 35035624
solaris/eebinstaller_4002172_4_solaris 702935402 88803856
solaris/eebinstaller_4009877_3_solaris 865442381 6483800
solaris/eebinstaller_4021776_2_solaris 342781923 74847424
solaris/install-3998268 3999338759 418624
solaris/install_failure_3998268 2387107108 3061956
solaris/post_uninstall-3998268 3999338759 418624
solaris/preprocess_install_3998268 404497944 3060607
solaris_x86/3998268.6_82_index 1978153370 3545
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3981133_25_solaris_x86 2827849681 19385648
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3983739_3_solaris_x86 429980968 43263704
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3987486_2_solaris_x86 1215419138 25723856
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3987911_1_solaris_x86 527080543 64379984
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3990516_1_solaris_x86 3227023474 820096
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3996459_2_solaris_x86 1703474987 56624112
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_3997921_2_solaris_x86 2294020874 38241704
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_4002172_4_solaris_x86 103289172 111470112
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_4009877_3_solaris_x86 3294641692 7613008
solaris_x86/eebinstaller_4021776_2_solaris_x86 4096424635 74918592
solaris_x86/install-3998268 3747909853 515600
solaris_x86/install_failure_3998268 2068493418 2740920
solaris_x86/post_uninstall-3998268 3747909853 515600
solaris_x86/preprocess_install_3998268 2197402176 2739528
Applies to the following product releases
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |
Knowledge base
NetBackup 8.2 and NetBackup Appliance 3.2 EEB Package
2022-07-29Problem Veritas has created a package of Emergency Engineering Binary (EEB) fixes for NetBackup 8.2 and NetBackup Appliance 3.2 master and media servers. The detailed content of this package is listed below. This set of fixes is packaged and depl...