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Hotfix for VProTray crashing


ZIP file contains new executable (EXE) for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems

Install Instructions:

1.       Stop ‘Veritas System Recovery’ service from service control manager.

2.       Kill the running VProtray.exe from Task Manager

3.       Take the backup of following binary from the location “C:\Program Files\ Veritas \ Veritas System Recovery\Agent"


4.       Orphan zip file contains binary of VProTray.exe for both 32-bit and 64-bit VSR versions. Replace the VProTray.exe at the location “C:\Program Files\ Veritas \ Veritas System Recovery\Agent".

5.       Start ‘Veritas System Recovery’ service.

6.       Launch VProTray by clicking on VProTray.exe at the location “C:\Program Files\ Veritas \ Veritas System Recovery\Agent".

Applies to the following product releases

Update files

File name Description Version Platform Size