Translation Notice
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Date: 2022-05-24
OS: Windows
Error/Problem Fixed:
CFT-4094 - NetApp I/O is impeded when the cache fills this results in EAGAIN errors
CFT-4599 - NetApp EAGAIN
Date: 2022-05-24
OS: Windows
Errors/Problems Fixed:
CFT-4094 - NetApp I/O is impeded when the cache fills this results in EAGAIN errors
CFT-4599 - NetApp EAGAIN
Applies to: Data Insight Collector Server only.
This hotfix can be applied on top of Data Insight version 6.1.5HF2 only
Install/Uninstall Instructions:
Apply this hotfix to Data Insight Collector Server only.
By default, value of INSTALL_ROOT on Windows is "C:\Program Files\DataInsight".
Log into Data Insight Server and perform the following steps:
1. Unzip the patch files to a temporary folder. In this folder, locate the
"patches" folder. This folder contains all files for help application.
Example: If you unzip hotfix to C:\temp, it will create the following folder
under C:\temp:
2. Stop the following services on Data Insight Collector Server: DataInsightComm, DataInsightConfig and DataInsightFpolicyCMod.
3. Take backup of existing fpolicycmod exe and pdb files.
4. Copy files present inside \patches\Windows directory to INSTALL_ROOT directory
5. Important: Open Registry editor on Data Insight Collector node. Navigate to the following registry hive (or registry path or registry node): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veritas\DataInsight\Install
6. Check & verify the following registry key and its value: Version
7. If the value of Version registry key is:, then do not change anything.
8. If the value of Version registry key is:, then reset or edit the value for this registry key to
You can edit a registry value manually by double-click the name of the value that you want to edit. You can also edit a registry value by power shell.
To know the details of doing it via PowerShell, go to step 9. You can also check and update registry via any other Microsoft supported method as well.
9. To change the value of registry key via Windows Power Shell, on Data Insight Collector node, open Windows Power Shell and run below command
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veritas\DataInsight\Install' -Name 'Version' -Value ''
10. Once you have edited the value of above mentioned registry key, verify the changes in the registry key value by performing through step 5 again.
11. Close the Registry editor.
12. Start the following services on Data Insight Collector Server: DataInsightComm, DataInsightConfig and DataInsightFpolicyCMod.
13. Repeat the patching procedure(step 1-12) for all Data Insight collector nodes.
Additional Notes:
1. Apply this hotfix on top of Data Insight 6.1.5HF2 only.
2. If a new Data Insight collector node is added later, this hotfix needs to be applied on that node
Applies to the following product releases
This update requires
Update files
File name | Description | Version | Platform | Size |